Be careful as the non-existent second wave may be coming, followed by the non-existent third wave and then the fourth, just in time for tea and crumpets.

As the government’s mega-lie begins to unravel, it is forced to come up with ever more incredulous, extreme and – most importantly – scary speculation, to maintain the illusion.

Infection rates are falling, both in new cases of viral infection and actual deaths (more on that in a moment). There is an increasing cohort of evidence that indicates the country experienced its peak infection rate some time around mid-March and its peak actual death rate in early April. This is based upon very credible and reasoned scientific analysis that allows for the fact SARS-CoV-2 was already in circulation way before it was weaponised by the government, both politically and sadly medically through the government’s incompetence and recklessly negligent response.

The government’s own website confirms that the four national public health bodies across the United Kingdom categorised COVID-19 as a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) as early as January this year. Ironically these same organisations, as well as the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens, subsequently downgraded COVID-19 on 19th March, stating that it no longer posed a threat as a HCID. This was based upon more being known about it, including the rather unsurprising fact (well unsurprising to any sane person but not to Professor Chris Shifty and Profesor Neil ‘crap at adding up’ Ferguson) that it didn’t kill everyone on sight. No, it had a low overall mortality rate. Think ‘seasonal or winter flu’ and you’re spot on.

Yes, that’s right: the week before the deathmongers imposed the unnecessary & ineffective confinement, the scientists were all agreed (well apart from the two morons) that this was not Ebola, hantavirus or haemorrhagic fever but rather something far more like this year’s winter flu.

With every day that passes, an increasing proportion of the population wake up and don’t die. They look around and see that all the people around them haven’t died. And after a while, they begin to question the non-stop fearfest that the deathmongers are trying to brainwash everyone with, asking themselves if this hasn’t all been a bit…how shall we say?…overdone.

The death toll continues to rise although some media organisations are now at least announcing the daily figures with the absolutely correct rider ‘these are reported to have died from COVID-19 figures’. If you go to this page on the NHS website, it states:

“These figures will be updated at 2pm each day and include confirmed cases reported at 5pm the previous day. Confirmation of COVID-19 diagnosis, death notification and reporting in central figures can take up to several days and the hospitals providing the data are under significant operational pressure. This means that the totals reported at 5pm on each day may not include all deaths that occurred on that day or on recent prior days.”

In other words, when the daily deaths total is announced it is not the total of deaths from the previous 24-hours. No, it is the total of the deaths from the previous 24-hours plus those that have been delayed in compiling, collating & reporting and have only just been received. It is like your football team winning 1-0 on the day but the result being announced as a 6-0 thrashing, simply because they scored 5 goals in earlier games.

Mathematically this can have only one effect on the figures: to increase them.

Now add in all the deaths with and not from, plus the related, associated, sort of linked, not really sure but probably, bet you a tenner it had something to do with it, knows where China is on a map so that counts and GPs who have the truly terrifying power now to guess at the cause of death if they are too busy.*

*As an aside, in the Budget in early March, the chancellor announced an increase of £90,000 in both the threshold income and adjusted income annual allowances, specifically in response to complaints from GPs and other doctors that the existing £110,000 and £150,000 thresholds were not high enough and they weren’t getting all the tax relief they deserved. ‘Hey medical profession, here’s a £90,000 sop and in return would you mind awfully not worrying about proper death certificates to help us bump up the COVID-19 figures?’

What you end up with is a deaths total that way over-exaggerates the actual death rate. To the point that the United Kingdom came 1st globally on Saturday, reporting the highest daily deaths figure on the entire planet. Congratulations Had Mancock, you have finally won something.

There are two ways of looking at this dubious honour:

If the figures are accurate (which they are not), it is a truly shocking and shambolic position. After the population has been confined for approaching five weeks and the country is bleeding to death every day, with an infection cycle of less than two weeks, the only reason for such a high death rate after five weeks is because the government’s strategy is causing it.

Stay at home: save lives? Pointless. The population has stayed at home and the death rate is still in the top five globally. This is because of the deadly combination of high viral dosage and high viral load when you put sick people in close proximity to frontline medical staff for sustained periods of time. The medical staff get sick and accumulate viral loads that cause massive viral shedding. The sick get sicker and many die.

Although at least Had Mancock can celebrate being good at something: extending the United Kingdom’s utterly incorrect response and thereby contributing to hundreds of unnecessary & avoidable deaths every single day. Every day, hundreds of individuals – every one of them a human being who was someone’s spouse, parent, sibling, child – die unnecessarily as a result of the government’s flawed and failed strategy. 

If the figures are inaccurate (clue: even the government’s own website qualifies the total mortality figure as ‘COVID-19 associated deaths’) then the government’s lie wears thin even quicker. The government knows this so it was no surprise to hear Emperor Wannabe-Winston Johnson tell us all earlier today that the biggest danger is the invisible second wave.

That was after managing a messed-up methaphor that tried to use his favoured wartime imagery and describe SARS-CoV-2 as a mugger. Except an invisible one. That doesn’t really exist.

After the first wave did not quite as much damage as seasonal or winter flu (and nowhere near as much damage as sepsis does every year in preventable NHS deaths), we now have to be afraid of the second wave. No doubt to be followed, as Professor Chris ‘sweating a lot near women’s bicycle saddles’ Shifty will testify, by a third wave, fourth wave, fifth wave (not to be confused with the rather poor science fiction film of the same name, although it was about aliens and mind control so he will think it was a documentary), sixth sense (he can see dead people…well they are suspected to be dead but will count them anyway), seventh cavalry, Eighth Army, ninth gate and tenth day of Christmas.

Most of the population fell for the lies first time around from the the axis of deathmongering evil (Emperor Wannabe-Winston Johnson, Had Mancock, Professor Chris Shifty and Priti Pathetic) but they will not be so easily fooled second time around.

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