So the Death Secretary Had Mancock-Mengele wants an investigation into whether Public Health England (motto: ‘intimidating you like the good old Sturmabteilung‘), has been fiddling the death toll for COVID-19. We have been highlighting this issue for several months, devoting a whole article to it on 11th April as well as other articles here from 4th April, here from 27th April and here from 19th April.
Anyone who has read (we have, have you?) the truly terrifying, totalitarian powers granted to the government under the Coronavirus Act 2020 will know that the government isn’t interested in communicating a true or even mildly transparent picture of its own incompetence and now genocide. The combination of this murderous piece of legislation and publications such as the F66 Guidance Notes, which allow medical practitioners to state ‘COVID-19’ as the cause of death when it a) wasn’t at all or b) might have been but probably wasn’t, have allowed the deathmongers to get away with a daily lie where COVID-19 associated deaths are portrayed as COVD-19 actual deaths.
A corpse containing dead virus cells (e.g. as a result of a positive RT-PCR test when alive) is very likely NOT to have died from COVID-19. The dead virus cells may have been present for months and do not indicate the virulence of the infectious dose. It is akin to saying that if someone who died in a car crash had a blood-alcohol level of 5 mg/100ml (the legal limit being 80mg/100ml) then they must have been over the limit at the time of their death AND been responsible for the crash. It’s also a rather apposite example given that there are instances of people who died in a fatal car crash being categorised as dying from COVID-19 purely because there were dead virus cells in their body. You couldn’t make it up? – you couldn’t no, but this government can and does.
The presence of the virus – whether dead cell or living antigen – is particularly relevant because at low viral dose, the innate immune system is more than capable of overcoming SARS-CoV-2. The presence of dead virus cells simply indicates cellular destruction by lysis, which is exactly how the immune system deals with all pathogens.
However, as the government has wanted the death toll to be as high as possible in some kind of perverted justification of its own utter over-exaggeration of ‘the coronavirus’ as the most dangerous virus ever in the history of the world, it has gone out of its way to bump up the figures. Lying about the dead and using them as collateral for political gain is rather vile, something so gutter-inhabiting that only a true deathmonger such as Emperor Wannabe-Winston Johnson or Had Mancock-Mengele could come up with it.
People who know what they are talking have called out this deception and credit is due to individuals such as Professor John Lee (retired professor of pathology and former NHS consultant pathologist) and Professor Carl Heneghan, director of the University of Oxford’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. Individuals like these are beacons of truth, reason and sanity.
We have written previously about some of the SARS-CoV-2 research undertaken by the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and they have been spot on with the incisive and relevant nature of their work. No comedy predictions disguised (badly) as being ‘science’ but objective study anchored in fact. Professor Heneghan, in conjunction with Professor Yoon Loke from the University of East Anglia, are the reason why the Death Secretary has been forced to concede that there is a rather rotten smell about the lies served up daily to the public. Of course just calling for an inquiry means little given how complicit the Death Secretary and his entourage of deathmongers are in the whole genocide – it is like asking Gary Glitter to look into why the attendance numbers at his nursery don’t add up – but it is a start. A start on the road to the truth being revealed to a public who have been conned on a level never previously seen in this nation’s history.
Professor Lee summed up the lunacy so well when he said this earlier in the year:
“There is a big difference between Covid-19 causing death, and Covid-19 being found in someone who died of other causes“.
A great number of the COVID-19 associated deaths in care homes were NOT the result of COVID-19 but rather lazy/can’t be bothered/towing the government line doctors. ‘One resident died a few weeks ago from it…hey, I might as well as make all the subsequent deaths from it, as it’s simpler, cuts down on the paperwork and saves having to check the actual cause of death.’
To arrive at somewhere far nearer accuracy and therefore truth, as a quick rule of thumb multiply the associated deaths by a factor of 0.50 – 0.333 to arrive at the actual deaths (even though the actual deaths will principally be from secondary URTI, such as bacterial or viral or pneumonia, or cytokine storm/SIRS/CARS). Using this metric and based upon the declared UK total deaths figure of 45,300 (at 0500UTC 20/07/20), the actual deaths figure is 15,085 (at 0.333) – 22,650 (at 0.5).
In other words, similar to the average annual deaths total for seasonal or winter flu in the UK and less than the excess winter deaths total in the UK.
Lockdown, self-isolation, social distancing, clapping the NHS blah blah blah…everything that the government has come up with has been not only unnecessary but also has made the situation worse, helping to propel the UK to the second highest mortality rate on the planet. Now an inquiry into that really would be something.
More than a truth and reconcilliation commission and far beyond a public inquiry. No, something up there with the Nuremberg Trials, heard before the International Criminal Court where every UK politician and public servant complicit in causing the deaths of tens of thousands of their own citizens answers for their genocide.