UK vs Average Worldwide Mortality Rate
As a baseline, the average worldwide mortality rate for SARS-CoV-2 is currently 0.012% (source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center and Worldmeters @ 0500 20/09/20). The UK mortality rate is 0.061% – that’s 5x higher than the worldwide average. From the onset of the Great Insanity, the UK mortality rate has always been several times greater than the worldwide average, being over 12x higher for a while and consistently more than 10x higher. We have highlighted this in several previous articles, for example when it was 11.2x higher in June and 11.3x higher in April. The multiple has only come down in recent weeks as a result of the mortality rates in Latin America having raised the average. Without this intervention, the UK would still be occupying one of the top four positions for the highest mortality rates on a population adjusted basis on the planet.
The first observation that springs to mind is that the worldwide average is lower than the average mortality rate for seasonal or winter flu, which is around 0.1% but has been as high as 2% in previous years. SARS-CoV-2 remains less dangerous than seasonal or winter flu, something we have been banging on about since March at every opportunity.
Of greater importance given the deathmongering government’s plan to reintroduce a ‘circuit breaker’ lockdown in October, is why the UK’s performance throughout the Great Insanity is so much worse than the worldwide average. The worldwide average is perhaps the best point of reference to use as it factors in all of the individual characteristics of 213 countries & territories (plus 2 merchant ships) and its output is a reliable and credible representation of what the virus was always going to do. In effect, the worldwide average can be considered as the default option, the ‘what if we had done nothing?’ option because any action by a country – whether it has a positive or negative impact – will either move that country either below or above the average.
There are myriad reasons why the UK has done badly as we have been highlighting for six months now and we will recap the most significant ones in forthcoming articles. The first one to focus upon is lockdown.
Why lockdown kills
How does it kill? The answer is in viral dosage and viral load. Low viral dosage – coming into contact with different people for shorter periods of time, such as shopping or socialising – is fine as low viral dosage is well within the capability of the innate immune system to deal with. Where people are circulating in society and moving around, they are exposed to low viral dosage. This is how herd immunity is achieved, even allowing for the fact that those who deal with infection via the innate immune system only do not develop antigen-specific antibodies because their adaptive immune system is not required: people have the virus and are either asymptomatic or show mild to moderate symptoms. This accounts for 99% of all identified infections to date worldwide, as shown here.
Lockdown removed the circulation in society – most of which is outside and in multiple locations by its very nature – and took away the movement: it restricted people to confined spaces, in close proximity to each other for sustained periods of time. This can turn low viral dosage into high viral dosage, which makes someone more likely to suffer from moderate to potentially severe symptoms, whereupon they seek medical attention. Medical attention that would not otherwise have been required. The only reason that medical attention was required was because of the effect of lockdown, whereupon someone with high viral load (the accumulation of high viral dosage) went into the infection super-hubs known as NHS hospitals and there found themselves in close proximity for sustained periods of time to healthcare workers with high viral load, whereupon the sick got sicker and died. Unnecessary and avoidable deaths.
Had lockdown not been implemented, people would not have been cooped up in close proximity to each other for weeks on end. The government propaganda completely ignored this – and continues to ignore it – with such ridiculous edicts as the rule of six and household groups and support bubbles. If the deathmongering government are to be believed, there is absolutely no danger from being around family members for long periods of time but every danger from being around strangers for short periods of time. It should of course be the other way around: the far greater danger comes from being in close proximity to family members for sustained periods rather than random, unrelated individuals for a few minutes or even hours.
The government’s guidelines are based not only upon SARS-CoV-2 being able to count, follow one-way systems, read the endless notices & stickers plastered over every available inch of glass on shop doors & windows*, understand the metric system as well as tell the time but also upon its refusal to infect absolutely anyone else in someone’s family or support bubble. Lockdown was predicated upon this astonishing piece of government stupidity: that household members (along with key workers) were all immune but everyone else was a harbinger of the killer virus of death and must be avoided at all costs: just looking at a friend, colleague or stranger would kill them and destroy the NHS, planet and very fabric of the cosmos but sitting in the same room for weeks within someone in your family who had the virus was totally ‘safe’.
*this will be the one factor that determines the end to the Great Insanity: when there is no more space left on windows and doors to plaster notices & stickers of rules, advice and guidelines, the killer virus of death will miraculously disappear overnight.
Sepsis kills over 6,000 more people annually
In all of this, movement is safety. Confinement is downright dangerous.
There are some very sensible precautions you can take to make yourself much more resilient against SARS-CoV-2 (in the same way as there are for seasonal or winter flu) and we will explain these in coming articles. Remember, even with the UK’s mortality rate being 5x the worldwide average and consistently in the top four highest mortality rates on the planet, the UK mortality rate is still less than seasonal or winter flu.
At 41,759 (again @ 0500 20/09/20) claimed total deaths – associated and actual – the figure is also more than 6,000 fewer than the total annual deaths from sepsis in the UK. There is no lockdown, social distancing; withdrawal of democracy; endless, pointless rules & guidelines; economic collapse; mass unemployment; debt & Universal Credit enslavement of millions; anxiety & worry for tens of millions and societal destruction for sepsis. Why not, when it kills far more people?
Lockdown’s role in hypertension and ACE2 dysfunction
The confinement of people in their own homes for months on end also increased stress levels (no shit) resulting in elevated blood pressure and hypertension. The hormone angiotensin II is a key cause of hypertension as well as several other medical conditions and it is kept in check by angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). ACE2 is of course how SARS-CoV-2 gains cellular entry, where its spike glycoprotein binds to ACE2 receptors on epithelial cells principally in the lungs. So if you get SARS-CoV-2 and your ACE2 function is inhibited, then your levels of angiotensin II cannot be regulated as effectively (which is bad). In addition, ACE2 performs a counter function of encouraging the production of angiotensin 1-7 (which is good).
So those with ACE2 deficiency – some with compromised immune systems but mainly those with hypertension, the obese, some diabetics and those with existing heart disease – are at greater risk. For those with hypertension, higher stress levels are a really bad thing. For those people, not feeling as stressed by being stuck indoors, getting outside and in particular getting some vitamin D – as it encourages vasodilation and relaxation – is the right course of action. Confining them indoors and encouraging online delivery of COVID-magnet gut-bucket fast food is not the right course of action. This is another reason why lockdown literally kills although at least your favourite COVID-magnet is back on Deliveroo and there are lots of smiley emojis in the advert as the lukewarm plastic carton of vasoconstriction is deposited contact-free outside your door like a cat having a crap.
Up to 33,733 fewer UK deaths without lockdown
Applying the average worldwide mortality rate to the UK population would put total deaths at 8,386. Had the UK not implemented lockdown, fewer than 10,000 people would have died.
As a direct result of lockdown, up to 33,733 people have died. This is why lockdown kills.
So if the deathmongering axis of evil decide to try and place you under house arrest again, in yet another act of genocide, do not go along with it. Get outside as much as possible in order to gain exposure to the fresh air and sunlight, the latter to assist with the synthesis of nitric oxide from endothelial nitric oxide synthase expressed through vitamin D production (no prizes for guessing the topic of the next article).