It is now almost six months since peak deaths
As has been established for several months now and we have commented upon several times, peak infections was around 19th March and peak deaths around 8th April. This whole insanity stopped being about ‘the coronavirus’ almost six months ago.
Yet the government still persists in its mass manipulation, subversion of basic, fundamental freedom and grotesque volume of lies designed to keep everyone afraid. Did you receive an unsolicited SMS message today, telling you to download the NHS Coronavirus app? If you did, do not download it.
The UK government is the least trusted on the planet
As a baseline, the UK is currently ranked the worst in terms of public perception of its government response to SARS-CoV-2 as this graphic (courtesy of Pew Research) confirms:
This is hardly surprising given that the UK has a mortality rate currently 5x greater than the worldwide average and on a northern hemisphere basis (allowing for the seasonality of coronaviruses) in the range 10x-12x greater. Since the start of the Great Insanity, the UK has consistently been in the top ten nations for the worst death rate on the planet on a population adjusted basis, again in the top three if you look on a hemisphere basis. Following government advice makes you a minimum of 5x more likely to become ill – because lockdown kills – so why would anyone want to download some piece of intrusive and inaccurate crap from a bunch of crazed, genocidal killers?
Ahh, says Supreme Death Secretary Had Mancock-Mengele, it is to help protect your loved ones. Er, no, you pathetic liar. Doing the opposite of the putrid stench that comes out of your pitiful mouth protects my loved ones and by a factor of at least 5x. Darth Death Secretary wants to be testing everyone despite the whole testing concept being flawed as we have written about previously here and here. The rise in ‘new’ cases is principally down to increased testing and the resultant detection of a greater number of previous cases. If you go through more people’s bins you will find more rubbish or – in the case of SARS-CoV-2 – viral debris as a result of the inaccuracy of RT-PCR and other types of nucleic acid testing.
Non-surgical face coverings make it worse
You may have noticed that the rise in ‘new’ cases has also coincided with the increased enforced wearing of non-surgical face coverings.
This is because individuals wearing one are rebreathing their own mucal excreta, causing the sustained inhalation of any virions present, thereby increasing viral load, rather than simply exhaling them as would be the case without a non-surgical face covering. Remember that SARS-CoV-2 has a burst size of 103. The respiratory system and in particular nitric oxide in the upper respiratory tract are exceptionally good at expelling invasive particles, whether that’s dust or pathogens. Interfering with the process of breathing out constricts its function and – not surprisingly – increases the chance of infection by increasing the viral dosage (you are self-dosing) until you overdose on it rather than achieving viral clearance.
Remember at normal viral dosage – that encountered through social contact, shopping, socialising etc. – SARS-CoV-2 is dealt with by the body’s innate immune system without requirement for the activation of the adaptive immune system.
Admin mistakes and computer errors
The logistics and administration of the testing system are chaotic at best, with myriad stories of individuals who have turned up for tests but been unable to have them or – much more worryingly – not turned up or turned up then turned around because the queue was so long but then received a message informing them they have tested positive. Despite not having been tested at all. Anyone would think that these testing companies are being paid by results…positive results.
Then what? You are told to self-isolate for 14 days with all the resultant adverse consequences to family, work and social life. All because of a computer error. And that’s before you have the government ineptitude and its totalitarian terror in your smartphone, monitoring your every move.
Information relating to an individual’s health is categorised as ‘special data’ under Article 9 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and section 10 of the Data Protection Act 2018, which implements the GDPR in the UK. Special data is the most sensitive and personal data about an individual, yet you are so supposed to happily hand it over to an outsourced service partner (aka the lowest bidder) that is managing the process despite having a dodgy track record when it comes to data breaches and data loss.
There is absoutely no need for any government app on your smartphone. All it does is mark you out for special treatment, either when your data is lost and sold to the highest bidder on the dark web or when you receive a text ordering you to stay indoors because ‘the computer says so’.
Follow common sense. Do not follow government advice.