Another study shows lockdown cost more lives than it ‘saved’.

Space cadet

Back in late May, our analysis of the relevance and impact of lockdown deduced that;

If lockdown had not happened, we would be in a better position than we are now on all counts; mortality, socially, economically and financially.

Lockdown and social distancing are causes of the problem, not remedies.”

So it was heartening to read the report compiled by the University of Edinburgh’s School of Physics and Astronomy, which concluded – amongst other things – that lockdown cost more lives than would have been lost pursuing herd immunity. The full report can be read here.

It is noteworthy that the study was complied by the School of Physics and Astronomy as the latter is second best-placed to understand the behaviour of Neil Ferguson, the space cadet who came up with the wankfest prediction that 510,000 could die of ‘the coronavirus’ and the architect of a final solution model that would have made Reinhard Heydrich proud.

Best-placed would be the School of Astrology but one presumes they were either too busy or just took one look at the comedy predictions of the Great Space Cadet and went ‘no, he is too mental for any of his drivel to be given the time of day’. If you enjoy a good laugh at ‘just how far out can an ‘educated’ guess be?’ you can read of some of Mystic Neil’s work in our previous article here. It is of course only funny until you realise that stains on humanity like him are the reason tens of thousands of people have unnecessarily died.

Herd immunity

Herd immunity had already been achieved by 19th March 2020, as was calculated using real-time evolving data by Oxford University’s Evolutionary Ecology of Infectious Disease group. Their report is here and we have referenced in several previous articles, including 6th April and 14th April, that the range for herd immunity in the UK had been reached before lockdown was imposed, So the concept of herd immunity is not a new idea and it was being given seriously consideration from the outset of the Great Insanity with credit due to the government’s chief pandemic modeller Professor Graham Medley. Back in those Halcyon Days of ‘early lockdown’ – before everyone started to die because of it – he said;

Britain must consider allowing people to catch the virus in the least deadly way rather than letting unemployment, domestic violence and and mental ill health mount indefinitely.”

You can read our article from 4th April on this here.

We have known for months lockdown does not work

The University of Edinburgh study correctly identifies that lockdown was a short-term solution and given it was imposed over six months ago, proves just how utterly wrong it was. As we wrote about lockdown, back on 19th April:

“The principle of ‘lockdown’ is based upon the immediate & ephemeral response to a localised terrorist attack: it is implemented in order to reduce casualties during an attack and to provide clear backgrounds & unobstructed arcs of fire for automatic weaponry in the armed response. The basis of telling a population to stay inside is the correct plan for a storm or similar event, where you instruct people to batten down the hatches and remain indoors until the storm has past, whereupon they emerge.

Instructing people to stay indoors to try and hide from a virus is ineffective, even more so when the research suggests the majority of the population have by now already had SARS-CoV-2, either without knowing or with mild symptoms of the disease and have recovered.”

The University of Edinburgh study comes at the issue from a different perspective but arrives at the same conclusions.

It substantiates the view we have had since day one: the deathmongers in charge of this country not only have no idea what they are doing but what they actually do is far worse than doing nothing. They are responsible for the deaths of thousands of their own citizens and the enforced servitude, financial ruin and emotional torment on tens of millions of their own citizens.