Do you remember your Highway Code?
We now have a traffic lights system to simplify the genocidal deathfest that is the UK government’s latest response to SARS-CoV-2, over six months after peak deaths and it ceased to be an issue. Well that sounds good because most people – even those who drive Nissan Micras wearing a hat – understand traffic lights. All together now:
Green = Go.
Amber = Stop, if safe (so Go, if not safe to stop).
Red = Stop.
Green is good, Amber is so-so and Red is bad. Simples.
So what did Emperor Wannabe-Winston Johnson pronouce yesterday in his latest attempt to defeat ze Germans, the invisible mugger the killer virus of death? Perhaps something that would make sense to a sane human being, maybe ‘low, medium or high’ accompanied by corresponding colour-coding and perhaps with a picture of Mary Seacole just to remind us that we are all in this together. No, the genocidal killer gave his adoring citizens ‘medium’, ‘high’ and ‘very high’.
Presumably this refers to just how off your head you have to be in order to make any sense of the stench of bullshit that emanates from his orifice.
Amber, red, red is NOT a traffic light.
Translating it into traffic light terms give you this:
Amber = Medium.
Red = High.
Red = Very High.
So like no traffic lights known to mankind. Such a traffic light would not allow any traffic to pass and would cause chaos, gridlock and meltdown. Oh, so it is apposite after all.
It is even more apposite when you realise that amber, red, red are the lights on one of these:
A level crossing warning sign, informing you of the imminent arrival of a train or – more relevantly – the train wreck caused by the government’s response.
A response that is summed up by there now being neither green nor Go in the government’s final solution. It is yet another crash in the car crash that keeps on crashing (and every day more people die because of it) and is summed up simply and elegantly by Toby Young on his Lockdown Sceptics website:
The government’s traffic lights
This is what we have ended up with:
Picture courtesy of the Hull Daily Mail.
Ignore everything this genocidal government says. The government’s strategy and response is the reason the UK death toll form ‘the coronavirus’ is over 40,000. Without lockdown, social distancing and strap-a-tampon over your face, the UK death toll would be less than 9,000 as is set out here.