‘COVID-secure space’, ‘keeping you safe’…utter bollocks.

Lockdown – The Sequel: Coming To A Cinem…Oh, They Are All Closed.

Is it just us or are there more people out & about now than on a normal pre-house arrest day? It seems that the majority of the UK population has completely ignored the latest death warrant issued by Emperor Wannabe-Winston Johnson and are going about their daily activities as normal. Having worked out that ‘lockdown 2.0’ (aka Lockdown – The Return, Son Of Lockdown, Lockdown 2 – Lockdowner and Lockdown – The Public Strikes Back) is even more pointless than its precdecessor, most normal people are simply carrying on. To every single one of those individual, well done.

This time around, it appears that everyone must stay at home apart from those who don’t need to stay at home and no businesses can open apart from the ones that can open. In this respect, it is even more Heller-esque than last time and equally unnecessary. Yet it will still cause the deaths of more people through high viral dosage & resultant viral load resulting from the close confinement of individuals to each other for sustained periods of time. Lockdown kills, as we have explained previously.

A COVID-Secure Space Doesn’t Exist.

Since the economy ‘reopened’ earlier this year, businesses have gone about making their properties, shops, restaurants, cafes etc. ‘safe’ for everyone. Don’t forget that we are ‘all in this together’ and everyone is ‘here for you’ and it is all about ‘keeping you safe’, all from that rather nasty ‘the coronavirus’, the killer virus of death that continues not to kill people, especially those it infects.

Whether it is perspex screens, limiting customer numbers, not letting customers touch the goods, social distancing, not accepting cash, blah, blah….the list goes on, businesses have invested a considerable amount of time & money on creating a ‘COVID-secure space’. Forcing staff to strap a tampon over their face does help to create a secure space for COVID: one where it cannot escape the upper respiratory tract through normal exhalation and instead is re-inhaled for hours on end. And people wonder why the number of infections goes up when government advice is causing it. Don’t wear a non-surgical face covering, for reasons explained here.

Herd Immunity Existed Before Lockdown.

What you do not create with all these preventive controls, manifested as physical barriers, is a ‘COVID-secure’ or ‘safe space’. A virion that is 0.1 micron in size pays absolutely no attention to them. None whatsoever. A infection has a life cycle, with a beginning; middle and end. During that life cycle herd immunity is attained (never, by the way, from hiding away from the infection) and then the infection tails off, with a concomitant rise in the R0 ratio as the pathogen has to ‘run faster and wider’ to try and find new hosts. We concurred back in April and again in May with Oxford University’s Evolutionary Ecology of Infectious Disease group, who calculated very scientifically (aka accurately and based upon fact) that the lower threshold for herd immunity in the UK had been attained at 19th March 2020. If herd immunity had been obtained almost eight months ago, then with all the ‘new cases’ just about everyone has had SARS-CoV-2 by now.

Yet still the deathmongers peddle their propaganda that absolutely nobody must ever be allowed to contract the killer virus of death when in reality just about everyone has already had it, especially if its most recombination – when it gained the furin cleavage site – was with betacoronavirus sibling OC43 as early as 2013, as we have set out previously.

The imposition of lockdown 2.0 is an admission that all of the guidelines and ‘advice’ about making everywhere so safe and special for you were utterly ineffective as if they had been, the killer virus of death wouldn’t be running amock (as seasonal coronaviruses tend to do and have been doing for hundreds of years) and causing ‘new cases’ to rise.

New cases of what exactly? Are we talking cases of the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA through nucleic acid testing, or are we talking presence of active SARS-CoV-2 antigen through antigen testing, or are we talking detection of IgM or IgG antigen-specific antibodies through antibody testing, or a combination?

The deathmongers like to pick whichever test shows the greatest number of results (occurrence) and then connect it to a different guess lie made-up number dream speculative projection (severity) that looks good on a chart, even one that you can’t read (so you don’t know what it actually means) and is missing one of its two axes (so you can’t work out what it shows). Now that’s the kind of chart loved by Chief Manslaughter Officer Saville-Shifty in his incoherent, vomitous ramblings of fetid, utter bullshit. Even before social distancing nobody wanted to stand close to people like him.

49,410 Died Of The Cold Just Two Winters Ago.

Seasonal coronaviruses are seasonal (sorry to burst your support bubble if you believed they weren’t) as are all seasonal viruses, including (wait for it) seasonal and winter flu. Even seasonal excess deaths are seasonal. Just two winters ago, 49,410 people died as a result of excess winter deaths in England and Wales (source: Office for National Statistics). This figure excludes seasonal or winter flu: if you want to include those, add on another 17,000 or so. Did we have societal destruction as a result of that?

And this is now societal, the carnage and destruction caused by the genocidal deathmongering government is way beyond being limited to the economy.

Excess winter deaths, seasonal or winter flu and sepsis together kill just over 100,000 individuals in England and Wales on average every year (source: Office for National Statistics). That’s on average. A little perspective perhaps to show just how unnecessary and ineffective the government’s strategy and response to SARS-CoV-2 has been. Unless you are Death Secretary Mancock-Shipman-Mengele, Chief Manslaugher Officer Saville-Shifty, the Chief Scientology Astrologer or Il Duce himself, Emperor Wannabe-Winston Johnson, for all of whom 100,000 is a target.

One can only imagine how aroused they get at the thought of how their strategy & response has now caused the death of at least 40,000 more individuals than had they done nothing at all, as we have calculated previously and how positively erect their tiny penises must be at the prospect of getting the total deaths up to 100,000 to claim the crown and their place in history.

Do not worry. Do not panic. Do not follow government advice.