Why SARS-CoV-2 Deaths Are 4-16 Times Lower Than Flu.

Beware Conflicted Studies.

Last week an article was published in The Lancet that estimates COVID-19 excess deaths. As is generally the case when it comes to ‘official’ studies or reports – those attempting to reflect or reinforce the official narrative – it is written in the conditional mood. It is therefore the language of ‘could‘, ‘might‘ and ‘up to‘: the sciency fiction of speculative models and predictions, rather than the indicative mood of science reality, e.g. ‘is’, ‘does’ and ‘will’. We have written on many occasions about the deliberate use of sciency fiction rather than science fact – our first detailed assessment Predictions Are Not Science was in November 2020. Despite the continued inference that it was ‘following the science’ the UK government and its advisers have failed to explain just which science that is; science fiction, social science or scientology are all likely candidates but evidenced-based science and biological, virological and even basic mathematical fact have not been followed.

Again as is the norm, the study attempts to present a far worse position than is actually the case. It over-exaggerates the situation to make the problem sound more serious than the reality in order to support the organisation that backrolled it. The funding it has received creates an inherent conflict of interest and introduces bias into its content. As we set out in October 2020 in Antivirals – Lessons From The ‘Flu Jab’ when using as a baseline a Cochrane (then called the Cochrane Collaboration) Review into the efficacy of influenza antivirals following their stockpiling by the NHS after the Influenza A pandemic in 2009. A pandemic that was the single, greatest pathogenic event in human history, having infected 10.2% – 20.4% of mankind yet killed 18,449 people. Neil Ferguson (may his name be blotted out) came up with one of his now infamous speculative models, predicting that up 4 million could die.

The Cochrane Review’s conclusions included the perspicacious and incisive statement “We urge people not to trust in published trials alone or on comment from conflicted health decision makers, but to view the information for themselves.” Wise words indeed. Chris Witty (may his name be blotted out) is a government employee. As his employer is a liar so is he, saying what is told to say because he both has no idea what he is talking about and he wants to hold onto his job with its salary and gold-plated final salary pension. He is a conflicted healthcare professional – this will become very relevant further on – as is any study that is funded by the Gates Foundation. Any such study is not independent and is conflicted. It is a tool to further the agenda of the Gates Foundation. However the raw data it contains draws some fascinating conclusions, if not those intended by the authors.

Evaluation Of The Study.

The study suggests that total COVID-19 deaths should be 18.2 million rather than the actual 6.06 million (@0500UTC 11/03/22, the day following publication of the study).  As an observation at this point, various freedom of infomation requests submitted via the Office of National Statistics in 2022 confirm that to 31st December 2021, the total number of UK COVID-19 where it is sole cause of death on the MCCD, is 6,183.  6,183 over a period of 21 months is significanly lower than average excess winter deaths; average seasonal/winter flu (AH1N1/H3N2) deaths and way, way lower than average annual sepsis deaths, which are around 48,000 per annum.

On 28th March 2020, Professor John Lee published an article that highlighted the danger in recording all deaths where SARS-CoV-2 viral infection was present as COVID-19 deaths. We evaluated this in When Is A Death Not A Death? two weeks later. Professor Lee concluded “there is a big difference between Covid-19 causing death, and Covid-19 being found in someone who died of other causes“. This is particularly relevant since viral debris, the result of virions and/or infected host cells being opsonised, lysed and phagocytosed by the innate immune response, can be present for up to six months following viral clearance post-infection. Coupled with the F66 Guidance Notes that were issued by the Department of Health and Social Care in April 2020, which instructed all medical practitioners, especially GPs, that ‘if in doubt call it COVID-19 and you are welcome to guess that the cause of death is COVID-19’ and you have free-rein to inflate and manipulate the COVID-19 death figure to whatever figure you want.

Going back to the study, there are two areas that really stand out.

Key Findings 1 – COVID-19 Mortality Rate Is Substantially Lower Than Winter/Seasonal Flu.

Firstly, it estimates global excess deaths at 120.3 per 100,000 population.  120.3 per 100,000 = 12.03 per 10,000 = 1.203 per 1,000 = 0.1203 per 100. To validate this, as 100,000 is 100 to the factor of 1,000, then cross-check the output by dividing 120.3 by 1,000 = 0.1203. The same output. Therefore, the study estimates a COVID-19 excess mortality rate of 0.12%. Using the WHO‘s own data that puts the mortality rate for influenza A in the range 0.5 – 2%, the study data shows the COVID-19 mortality rate to be 4.1 – 16.6-times lower than influenza A.  Which is actually about right and ironically the most accurate piece of information in the study. It shows that influenza A has a higher mortality rate than COVID-19 by a factor of 4.1 – 16.6 or in simple terms, using infectivity and not infectiousness (the difference is explained here) as the definition of dangerous, COVID-19 is 4.1 – 16.6-times less dangerous than flu.

Interestingly, the study’s estimated mortality rate is not far off the actual worldwide COVID-19 average death rate that is 0.07774% (again @0500UTC 11/03/22). As it can be difficult to comprehend percentages lower than one, that is equivalent to 1 death per 1,286 people.  And don’t forget that is people who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and then developed COVID-19 disease progression and severity.  If you applied total deaths worldwide as a percentage of the worldwide population, thereby including those who haven’t had it or – more likey – had it and were asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic or didn’t bother going to seek medical assistance, you have a worldwide COVID-19 mortality rate of 0.000763% or 1 death per 131,000 people

Our view from day one was that nobody should die of SARS-CoV-2 per se as it is a seasonal irritant and nothing more. We first evaluated just how small the COVID-19 death rate should be as part of How Low Is The SARS-CoV-2 Mortality Rate? in September 2021. In the absence of hypertension and/or diet-induced obesity (itself a chronic pro-inflammatory state caused by excess omega 6:omega 3 ratio; leptin resistance; upregulation of prostaglandin E2 and oxidisation of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal from linoleic acid to name but a few) mediated dysfuction in the renin-angiotensin system, notably the ACE2→Angiotensin1-7→Mas / ACE→angiotensin II→AT1 receptor axes, you really have got to try hard to die of COVID-19.

In which case, why have so many died?

The Response Not The Stimulus Is What Causes Death.

SARS-CoV-2 viral infection is all about viral load in the upper respiratory tract and any COVID-19 disease progression and severity is all about high viral load in the early stages of infection.

It took lockdowns (increased viral load in the early stages of infection) and enforced wearing of non-surgical face coverings (self-increasing viral load during the early stages of infection; polymicrobial coinfection causing overlapping & amplifying multiple innate receptor activation patterns, mediating overexpression of neutrophil extracellular traps, complement co-factors C3a & C5a, endothelial cell adhesion and cytokine release storm) to do it. We have assessed the key role of lockdown in increasing the COVID-19 mortality rate within Understand Viral Dose And Viral Load. The Government Response Has Turned NHS Frontline Staff Into Viral Suicide Bombers and Could The Government’s Advice Be Any MORE Wrong? in April 2020; Not Only Was None Of This Necessary…But It Made The Situation Far Worse in May 2020; Yet More Proof Of How Utterly Wrong The Government’s Response Has Been in June 2020; The Lack Of Sunlight. Yet Another Reason Why The Lockdown Has Made The Situation Far Worse in July 2020; Lockdown Kills. Here’s Why… in September 2020; Another Study Shows Lockdown Cost More Lives Than It ‘Saved’ in October 2020; How Many Have Been Killed By The Government’s Strategy? in November 2020; Without The NHS, There Would Be 70,000 Fewer Deaths and Why Government Advice Makes It So Much Worse in January 2021; Tests That Would Have Saved Thousands in May 2021; and of wearing non-surgical face coverings in Why Wearing A Non-Surgical Face Covering Makes It Worse in September 2021.

As we approach next wek the second anniversary of the first lockdown in March 2020, it is almost beyond comprehensive that after these two years, the UK’s stated COVID-19 mortality rate is 3.056-times higher than the worldwide average (@0500UTC 11/03/22). You start to appreciate just how many people have died because they followed or believed government and NHS guidance, guidance that sent them to their deaths. 

Something that is now further validated by the lack of COVID-19 as the sole cause of death on MCCDs, as set out above. You may recall the media hype last year when India was supposedly doing so badly and having to cremate its dead (ignoring that cremation or antyesti is an integral, essential part of Hinduism). India’s COVID-19 mortality rate has consistently been around half that of the rest of the world, with it currently being 2.12-times lower (@0500UTC 11/03/22). This is as a result of persistent antigen exposure and trained innate immunity. We first highlighted the importance of persistent antigen exposure within Déjà Vu – Memory T Cells Have Seen SARS-CoV-2 Before and The Common Cold And SARS-CoV-2 Immunity in November 2020. We began researching and evaluating the role of trained innate immunity in SARS-CoV-2’s Defences Against Detection in May 2021 and expanded upon it within Yet Another Virus That Provides SARS-CoV-2 Immunity in November 2021.

One can count on two hands the number of individuals other than ourselves who are actively researching this area, including Professor Siddhartha Mukherjee and Professor Christine Benn.  The same individuals who, like us, were talking early on about the crucial relevance and clinical importance of low viral load in the early stages of infection.

The genocide of the UK government’s strategy and response and the NHS clinical response can be quantified by applying the worldwide COVID-19 mortality rate to the UK: there would be 109,496 fewer UK deaths.  And that is against the worldwide average.  If you apply India’s COVID-19 mortality rate – currently (@0500UTC 11/03/22) 6.45-times lower – to the UK mortality rate, there would be 137,507 fewer UK deaths.

Key Findings 2 – Inaccurate Comparison Of Continents’ Data Skewed By Bias.

Secondly, the study talks about excess deaths being largest in Asia and North Africa, without seeming to correct for their population sizes, which will skew the results as they have larger populations. Total COVID-19 deaths (@0500UTC 11/03/22) in Asia are 1.37 million but its total population is 4.71 billion.  Compare this to total COVID-19 deaths in Europe of 1.74 million (27% higher than Asia) from a population of 748 million (84% lower than Asia) or to the total COVID-19 deaths in North & South America of 2.69 million (96% higher than Asia) from a population of 809 million (83% lower than Asia).

This is where the study’s bias and conflict of interest shows through.  It is based upon the concept that all the poor non-Westerners live in backward coutries with no advanced healthcare systems and so need white Westerners to ride to their rescue with their big pharma solutions and vaccines.  Western governments with developed economies and their so-called advanced heathcare systems failed completely to prevent people from dying. Preventing death from COVID-19 isn’t difficult since the myriad functions of nitric oxide synthesised from vitamin D mediate and upregulate viral countermeasures in the innate immune response that kill respiratory viruses in minutes. For starters, Calcifediol (Vitamin D) Is The Most Effective Vaccine from February 2021; IgA – Faster, Stronger And More Effective from March 2021; Why Is Nitric Oxide’s Key Role Ignored? from July 2021; Cathelicidin – Another Key Benefit Of Vitamin D in October 2021 and Nitric Oxide’s Role In Anti-Adhesion And Anti-Coagulation from December 2021. In addition, the NHS’ arrogance – an ingrained behaviour whereby it refused to listen to any view, no matter how scientifically evidence-based, that contradicts its own ignorance – has now killed over 109,496 individuals in the UK. Something we explained in detail within Tests That Would Have Saved Thousands in May 2021.


While the study attempts to show that the COVID-19 mortality rate is estimated to be far higher than previously indicated, the raw data actually indicates a mortality rate that is 4.1 – 16.6-times lower than that of seasonal/winter flu (AH1N1/H3N2).

SARS-CoV-2 as the stimulus is a seasonal irritant. Nobody should die of SARS-CoV-2 per se. Some groups are at higher risk of developing COVID-19 disease progression and severity, as they would be of disease progression and severity resulting from infection with any respiratory virus, especially seasonal/winter flu, as well as other viruses such as enteroviruses – often referred to as summer flu – and noroviruses – often referred to as d&v or winter vomiting virus – and every other bacterial pathogen.

The response not the stimulus is what has caused the deaths.
