Why Government Advice Makes It So Much Worse.

Over nine months into this insanity, it is clear that government advice hasn’t worked. Following government advice doesn’t work. Not only is government advice ineffective but also it causes negative outcomes. Following government advice makes the situation worse and makes you far more likely to become seriously ill and – if you allow yourself to go anywhere near the deathfactories (formerly NHS hospitals) – potentially to die.

Why does it make the situation worse?

Lockdown confines individuals indoors, in close proximity to others for sustained periods of time.

Any infection will then cause the level of viral dosage to increase to high enough levels where the innate immune response can be overwhelmed. Preventing people from being confined in close proximity to family members for months on end would have saved lives. We first highlighted this back in April and evaluated it in greater detail in May.

Lockdown deprives individuals of exposure to sunlight and vitamin D synthesis.

Vitamin D increases an individual’s resilience by a factor of 10x and encourages the vitamin D→eNOS→NO pathway. Encouraging people outside (remember how good the weather was for months back in the spring/summer) would have saved lives. We first highlighted this in July.

Social distancing prevents persistent antigen exposure.

Persistent antigen exposure – regular exposure to other antigens, in this case duvinacovirus HCoV-229E; setracovirus HCoV-NL63 and embecoviruses HCoV-HKU1 & HCoV-OC43 – causes the conservation of memory TH and TC cells. Upon primary exposure to SARS-CoV-2, these memory TCM and TEM cells recognise nonstructural and structural proteins of the virion and trigger an adaptive immune response. We first highlighted this in November.

The more you hide away, the more social interactions through work, leisure and social activities you ban, the less frequent the antigen exposure to any pathogens. You simply make people more susceptible to infection when they emerge.

Non-surgical face coverings do not prevent inhalation of virions and ensure re-inhalation of any infection.

Even surgical masks conforming to N95/FFP2 only filter to 0.3 microns compared to the SARS-CoV-2 virion’s 0.1 micron size. They do prevent the exhalation of any infected mucal excreta, thereby causing anyone with any infection to rebreathe their own infected air for hours on end.

The more occasions you force people to wear non-surgical face coverings, the more people who infect themselves to a higher level rather than achieve natural viral clearance. This is particularly important given SARS-CoV-2’s burst size of 103 and resultant increase in viral load in the upper respiratory tract.

Intramuscular/intradermal vaccine delivery doesn’t create sterilising immunity.

All the current vaccines that have been approved or are in Phase III clinical trials (ignored how rushed and corner-cutting those trials are) are IM/ID delivery. This ignores the upper respiratory tract, which is the first point of contact for infection and coronaviruses are seasonal irritants that target the respiratory tract.

NO and IgA in the upper respiratory tract are more than capable of fighting the antigen and produce secretory IgA immunity. This is a key component in protective or sterilising immunity. Due to the function of IM/ID delivery, these vaccines cannot create sterilising immunity [Krammer et al, Doremalen et al, Yu et al].

They are therefore not vaccines but – at best – antivirals. Except the healthy do not need a vaccine and the frail do not have the immunological memory so a vaccine won’t work. An antivral offering passive immunity to high risk groups is still the most effective solution.

Given the dominance of IgG isotype in the lower respiratory tract, a ‘vaccine’ or antiviral that stimulates IgG istotype may provide some therapeutic benefit to those who develop severe symptoms, i.e. the ‘second stage’ or ‘Function B’ of SARS-CoV-2 if it reaches the lower respiratory tract. We explained this in September. Those who may benefit from this account for no more than 0.5% of open cases and the size of this group has been falling since August.

Government advice aims to scare people, which triggers vasoconstriction and hypertension.

This increases the expression of angiotensin II, which makes an individual more susceptible to infection where the ACE2→ Angiotensin1-7→ Mas / ACE→ angiotensin II→ AT1 receptor axes are disrupted. People have been literally scared to death.

The NHS has failed.

All the NHS had to do was treat the well-known and eminently treatable conditions of those turning up at the deathfactories in the hope of receiving treatment. Instead their symptoms were overlooked and they received even higher levels of viral dosage from those with high viral load.

Upon admission test for viral and bacterial pneumonia and test for cytokine storm (SIRS/CARS/ARDS) and in particular the level of interleukin 6. Treat those conditions as that is what people have died of. No addition funding, resources, COVID-exclusivity or hagiography & ridiculous hand-clapping were needed. The NHS only had to treat well-known symptoms that can be treated effectively with anti-inflammatories in most instances. It failed and as a result thousands have died.

Since the end of August, the serious/critical rate has fallen globally by 50% (1% to 0.5%) and the mortality rate by 40% (5% to 3%). That’s despite the putative mutant killer strain of death and increase in ‘new’ cases. Yet the UK mortality rate is 4.7x the worldwide average and the 8th highest mortality rate on the planet (source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center and Worldmeters, @ 0500UTC 05/01/21). This mass slaughter of its own citizens is down to government advice.

The UK has been in the top ten highest mortality rates on the planet since the start of this insanity, quite often being in the top five highest and at times the top two. So as the latest death sentence is passed by the government, ignore it.

How To Stay Safe By Not Following Government Advice.

  • Maintain a decent level of vitamin D by getting outside as much as you can and if you think you are vitamin D deficient, consider a supplement. Aim for at least 25ug/1000UI per day and don’t exceed 100ug/4000UI per day.
  • Don’t stay indoors in close proximity to the same individuals for sustained periods of time. Go outside and move freely as often as you want.
  • Come into contact with other people. Encourage persistent antigen exposure, especially to the common cold.
  • Don’t wear a non-surgical face covering.
  • Chill out. Vasodilation, especially through exposure to daylight, is a good thing and is the effective counterfunction to vasoconstriction. Avoid getting stressed or panicked by government propaganda.
  • Use your common sense. SARS-CoV-2 is less dangerous than seasonal or winter flu. It may be more infectious but so is the common cold. Act as you would if you had a cold or the flu.
  • Avoid BNT126b2 and ChAdOx1. They will not provide sterilising immunity meaning you can still catch SARS-CoV-2 as the vaccine will not provide you with secretory IgA stimulation in your upper respiratory tract. Your own innate immune response (including pattern recognition receptors TLR7 & TLR8) will detect the antigen, attack it and destroy it in 99.5% of cases. Your own innate immune system is way more effective than any vaccine or antiviral.

At every step of this insanity, government advice has been wrong to the degree of it causing more deaths, tens of thousands more deaths. Do not allow yourself to become a government statistic by following government advice.

Immunoglobulin G isotype

Do not panic. Do not worry. Do not follow government advice.