So the Nightingale hospitals lie idle.
The largest – constructed in London’s Excel exhibition centre – was designed to accommodate up to 4,000 patients but was mothballed after having treated just 54 SARS-CoV-2 patients. Other Nightingale facilities around the country have not treated a single SARS-CoV-2 patient.
Two have sensibly been repurposed to provide cancer testing facilities, as the NHS wakes up to the fact that millions of regular treatments, scheduled procedures and planned operations have been postponed or cancelled. Millions of people’s existing, very real medical issues pushed aside to focus exclusively on what we were told was the worst, most dangerous virus in the history of the world (source: the deluded, fantasy world of Death Secretary Had Mancock-Mengele). Yet the Nightingale hospitals lie empty and unused.
Have a go at this simple but effective quiz to measure just how wrong the government’s strategy and response has been:
Q1 – How many people do you know who have died from COVID-19?
This is actual deaths, not associated deaths; not died with dead SARS-CoV-2 virions or virus cells in the body and not with an existing comorbidity who would have died as a result of the presence of any pathogenic infection (such as enterovirus, norovirus, seasonal or winter flu).
Write down you answer to Q1.
Q2 – How many people do you know who have been affected by the government response to COVID-19?
This is anyone who has lost their job; seen their salary reduce as a result of being furloughed; seen their self-employed earnings plummet; seen their business revenue decimated; had to close their business; been forced to claim Universal Credit or any other state benefit; been forced to take on debt from government assistance schemes; been forced to ask for a grant from local authority or been forced to borrow money from friends or family.
Write down your answer to Q2.
Now compare your two answers: is your answer to Q2 greater than your answer to Q1 and if so, by what factor?
We undertook this in the research facility and our collective score (from a group of less than 10 people) for Q1 was ‘maybe 1’. Our collective score for Q2 was 132.
All those morons who were chanting that lockdown must never ever be relaxed because it put the economy over people’s lives were wrong. So very wrong.
SARS-CoV-2 was this year’s seasonal or winter flu (something about which we have written previously on numerous occasions). Even with the UK having the second highest mortality rate on the planet – Thank You NHS – SARS-CoV-2 is still less deadly than seasonal or winter flu. What is far more deadly is the government response: millions, even tens of millions adversely affected by a completely incorrect response to what is a low consequence infectious disease: one like influenza A, the 80+ pathogenic enterovirus species & sertotypes or even those other orthocoronvirinae sub-family members HCoV-229E, HCoV-NL63 and HCoV-OC43; coronaviruses which have been around for centuries and cause the common cold.
Florence Nightingale treated battlefield injuries and resultant infections without electricity or formal medicines. In fact it was pretty much blood-soaked hands, saws and knives. One can only wonder at what she would make of this current insanity. At least her name adorns some landmarks, albeit on a temporary basis, although make the most of it as no doubt someone will soon want to pull the hospitals down on the basis that she should be airbrushed out of history.