The standard definition of a pandemic as applied by the World Health Organisation (the psychological warfare wing of the People’s Republic of China) is this:
“An epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people.”
No mention of severity or any pathogen-specific factors. A pandemic is therefore a geographical event and so in simple terms, if enough people in a sufficient number of countries fart, officially you have a pandemic of flatulence. Something for which social distancing would be more relevant.
There is some debate – especially after the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic* – about whether the definition should include reference to ‘infectious’, in which case if enough people in a sufficient number of countries laugh then officially you have a pandemic of laughter.
* hands up if you remember the 2009 flu pandemic. Anyone…anyone? Nope, thought not. As we have written previously here, despite Psychic to the Stupid and make-believe scientist Professor Neil ‘not good with numbers’ Ferguson having predicted over 4,000,000 would die at the hands of the killer virus of death (sounds familiar?), the death toll was 18,449. Using WHO’s own data, there were 491,302 confirmed cases and in the range 700,000,000 to 1,400,000,000 likely cases. Based on the global population at the time, that’s 10.2% – 20.4% of mankind having had it but 0.000027% having died from it. A pandemic relating to a flu-like illness that loads of people got but from which very, very, very, very, very few died. Ring any bells?
Ahh, but this is ‘the coronavirus’, the most dangerous, deadly virus ever in the history of the world, according to genocidal Death Secretary Had Mancock-Mengele. I mean it’s called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 and we all know that sequels are worse than the original (with the exception of The Empire Strikes Back and – at a push – X-Men 2). Therein lies another apposite example of the power of misdirection and manipulation.
In February this year, the body responsible for the taxonomy and classification of viruses named the ‘novel’ coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. It is logical that if you call something ‘severe’ and ‘acute’, people will think of it as such. In reality only a very small proportion of people who get SARS-CoV-2 and develop symptoms of COVID-19 will have severe or acute symptoms: as with seasonal or winter flu (A(H1N1)/A(H3N2)) the vast majority are either asymptomatic or suffer mild to moderate symptoms.
This is illustrated very clearly by this extract of the global position to date, courtesy of Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center and Worldmeters:
The left hand graphic shows active cases and shows for all to see that of those infected 99% are mild and 1% are serious or critical.
The right hand graphic shows that of those admitted for treatment, 5% died and 95% survived/were discharged or – to put it more precisely, – did not die. Bearing in mind that those admitted for treatment were fairly likely to be in a serious/critical condition to warrant needing treatment in the first place, then you could deduce that the 5% should be considered as 5% of the 1%.
For that 1% severe/critical, almost all will have comorbidities or immune system problems that would be exacerbated by any pathogen, such as winter or seasonal flu, entamoeba histolytica, norovirus, escherichia coli, enterovirus or listeria monocytogenes and not just SARS-CoV-2. A similar number of people die every year from seasonal or winter flu but as ‘severe’ and ‘acute’ aren’t in its name, nobody worries Likewise, as we have said from day one, more people died of sepsis in the UK last year than have died from COVID-19 (and that’s even with the deathmongers’ cheating of the figures by counting associated and not actual deaths).
Since inception, SARS-CoV-2 has been neither severe nor acute.
Had it been named correctly by the ICTV and the Wuhan Huawei Occult not thrown the term pandemic around like it did so liberally and vaguely back in 2009, this year’s Great Insanity would instead now be fading into obscurity just like the 2009 Influ….er…hang on, I know this…er…nope, can’t remember it. Yep.