The more tests you undertake, the higher the number of positive results you will get. Except of course ‘positive tests’ mean very little, something we have written about previously here but find ourselves referring back to as it explains the apparent rise in cases of ‘the coronavirus’.
Nucelic acid testing, undertaken principally through RT-PCR analysis or similar, looks for tiny fragments of the viral RNA. That’s the same RNA as is contained within the nucleocapsid of the virion, is released during mRNA translation within an infected cell and is present in dead host cells, so-called viral debris, that have been destroyed by the body’s immune system.
Given that PCR testing is looking just for tiny elements of this RNA genetic sequence, usually having to sweep back & forth (something called cycling) over the same sample many times (something called amplification) just to identify sufficient RNA sequence to even have an educated stab at what might be there, it is unsurprising if the results are imprecise and lacking in detail. It is therefore also unsurprising that the level of accuracy with nucleic acid testing varies wildly, especially when so many putative tests are being rushed to the market (in return for large cheques from the government, so are immediately compromised by financial vested interest).
Remember, a positive nucleic acid test simply shows the presence of viral RNA fragments. It does not show whether or not the infection is present or past and it is does not show where or when the viral RNA came into the individual’s system. It is like going through a rubbish bin that hasn’t been emptied for six months, finding a sweet wrapper and then declaring that – are you sitting down? – the individual has tested positive for eating sweets. One of the true heroes in this Great Insanity, Professor Carl Heneghan from the University of Oxford’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, highlighted early this month the fault in relying upon nucleic acid testing as you can read here. We have concurred with Professor Heneghan previously and commented on the honest, pragmatic and factual nature of his work previously here. He is one of the smartest people in this country when it comes to a rational understanding of what SARS-CoV-2 is and more importantly is not.
This latest mania for testing highlights two observations we would make:
Firstly, nucleic acid testing is backward-looking, vague (at best) and provides no information upon which to make any informed decisions. Not that the lack of any robust science has stopped the deathmongering government from placing total reliance upon a single crackpot sciency prediction to come up with a strategy that has cost the lives of tens of thousands and inflicting harm on millions.
So if it is so crap, why bother with it? The answer is that it allows the government to state there are rising numbers of infections, to try and justify ever more hilarious and Heller-esque rules, as well as to try and talk up the existence of the even more deadly second wave of the killer virus of death. The more people who are tested, the greater the number of positive test results, the greater the ‘rise in new infections. Er, no. There is no rise in ‘new’ infections but simply the detection of a higher number of previous infections through increased testing. The deathmongering axis of evil – Emperor Wannabe-Winston Johnson, Death Secretary Had Mancock-Mengele and Chief Manslaughter Officer Chris Shifty – are cheating the numbers in exactly the same way as they have been doing in respect of associated COVID-19 deaths (died with) compared to actual deaths (died of/from).
Secondly, why is there a rise in new infections when everyone is being forced to put a piece of material over their face when in shops? We’ve had 2 metres, 1metre+, Perspex screens, one-way systems and the rest of the petty daft guidelines yet still apparently the number of ‘new’ infections is rising. If the rising number of ‘new’ cases is accurate then it is clear proof that non-surgical face coverings do not work and are pointless as if they did work then it would be impossible for there to be a rise in ‘new’ cases. In reality, placing a piece of fabric over your nose and gob is utterly pointless.
This should be fairly easy to work out given than even surgical masks categorised as personal protective equipment conforming to N95 or FFP2 standards only protect down to 0.3 micron particle size whereas the SARS-CoV-2 virion particle is 0.1 micron in size. If you want to do something that is more fun than painting a rainbow, take a piece of paper and make a 3cm diameter hole in it. Then put it over your face. Now take the 3cm disc of paper you cut out, cut it down to 1cm diameter and see if it will fit through the 3cm hole. There you go, why non-surgical face coverings are ineffective and unnecessary.
What they will do is allow you to rebreathe you own mucal excretion and if you have got the virus and the antigens are at work, you will increase your own viral dosage and therefore viral load. In the viral equivalent of choking on your own vomit, you effectively turn yourself into an improvised infectious device – something we were writing about here back in April – and are far more likely (in the range 6x – 11x) to make yourself ill or those close to you.
At normal levels of exposure and viral dosage, such as socialising, shopping, working etc., SARS-CoV-2 is no more dangerous than seasonal or winter flu and no more dangerous than the coronaviruses that cause the common cold.
Have a read of our previous article on testing and think about an antigen test or possibly an antibody test, notwithstanding the fact that many of those who have had the virus and were asymptomatic will not have produced any antigen-specific antibodies. In respect of nucleic acid testing unless you have some genuine need to do so, do not get tested and certainly do not in any way associate yourself with any government-related test.