How many have been killed by the government’s strategy?

Seasonal Irritants.

Coronavirues are seasonal irritants, with four – alpha genus CoV-229E & CoV-NL63 and beta genus CoV-HKU1 & CoV-OC43 – causing the common cold.

They are seasonal because, like many viruses such as seasonal or winter flu (the clue being in the name), they need environmental factors to sustain their virulence and therefore maintain their existence. It is therefore inevitable that the number of infections will increase as the hours of daylight decrease: this should be a surprise to nobody and we have been highlighting it since April. Yet it seems to be a surprise to the government who cannot accept that cases of seasonal virus increase as seasons change, presumably as the changing of the seasons is fact and not conjured up, wild speculation and wacky prediction.

The much-heralded ‘second killer wave of killer death’ can very simply be explained by the combination of;

  • the arrival of Autumn.
  • the inaccuracy of nucleic acid testing (false positives, the detection of viral RNA debris and the hilarious counting twice of one person if tested twice in a week and positive on both occasions)
  • forcing people to infect themselves by making them wear a non-surgical face covering, thereby ensuring the sustained re-inhalation of any infected mucal excreta. With a burst size of 103 this then increases viral load to dangerous levels rather than allowing viral clearance.
Excess Non-Winter Deaths.

The relevance of the seasonality is that we have been evaluating excess non-winter deaths.

Excess winter deaths are the additional deaths that occur in the winter months that do not occur over the rest of the year and therefore can be deduced to be down to the colder temperature.  Last winter (defined as December 2018 – March 2019 as the figures for December 2019 – March 2020 are not released until 27th of this month) there were 23,200 excess winter deaths (source: ONS), meaning that an additional 23,200 individual deaths that were seasonal. This figure excludes deaths from seasonal or winter flu, so it is exclusively environmental.

One would quite naturally expect excess non-winter deaths to be a very low number, given that Spring and Summer are not the Winter. We starting analysing these additional deaths back in April when ONS data first showed non-COVID-19 deaths exceeding COVID-19 deaths, and that was even with the latter counting both the associated and actual deaths, so the cheating figure used by the government.

Excess deaths from March – September 2020.

As we first highlighted on 19th April, now over six months ago:

People are dying of existing medical conditions where their scheduled treatment has been postponed or cancelled because of the absolute priority given to COVID-19 at the expense of every other illness. People who have suffered medical episodes, such as heart attack or stroke, are unable – or more likely unwilling – to seek medical attention, either through a desire not to want to be a burden to the system or because they are shit-scared of going into hospital. These individuals would mostly survive under normal conditions but in this current nightmare they are dying and in greater numbers than the killer virus of death that is the worst in the history of Had Mancock’s delusional imagination.

A number of those who have died from medical episodes, such as heart attacks or strokes, are likely to have done so because of the effects of fear: older people confined at home, terrified by the government propaganda, alone & afraid, petrified to go out, unwilling to seek medical attention, convinced they will be next…they have been unable to process this insanity and have been overwhelmed by it. Often it will not be the fear for their own welfare that overcomes them but fear for the welfare of others; their siblings, children and grandchildren, who are all just fine.

The most recent ONS figures show excess deaths in the period March 2020 – September 2020 of 26,000. These exclude COVID-19 (associated and actual) and hospital admissions; these are people who died at home during the six months that include lockdown. And these are excess deaths, i.e. those above the five year average.

We have been proven right, with the ONS figure simply quantifying the number of deaths.

This measure is an effective and clear indicator of just how deadly lockdown was on people who found themselves stuck at home and scared (literally) to death by this genocidal government.

Some of these individuals – likely a small proportion – would have died anyway, suffering massive heart attacks where they would have been dead when they hit the floor but the majority could have been saved, had they not been denied basic healthcare because of the NHS becoming a COVID-only cult or had they dialled 999 rather than deciding not to because Emperor Wannabe-Winston Johnson and Death Secretary Shipman-Mengele told them not to bother the NHS because it needed to be saved.

The sheer scale of this national disgrace is set out even more clearly in the most recent monthly mortality analysis reports produced by the ONS.

July 2020

In England, in July 2020, the coronavirus (COVID-19) was the eighth most frequent underlying cause of death, accounting for 2.6% of all deaths (976 deaths); in Wales, COVID-19 did not feature in the top 10 leading causes of death.”

August 2020

“The coronavirus (COVID-19) did not feature in the top ten leading causes of death in August 2020, in England or Wales.”

No, it didn’t feature because COVID-19 was ranked 24th in England and 19th in Wales in terms of most common causes of death.

24th and 19th, so ranking alongside such similarly common causes of death as ‘tried to make toast while in bath’ and ‘tried to fix own guillotine that was sticking’.

September 2020

“The coronavirus (COVID-19) did not feature in the top ten leading causes of death for deaths registered in September 2020, in England or Wales.”

This time, COVID-19 was ranked 19th most common cause of death in England and 24th in Wales.

19th and 24th most common causes of death…surely when they are that far down the list, they are closer to being the least common causes of death?

Do NOT Listen To Or Follow Government Advice.

Everything that this deathmongering government has done by way of its strategy and response has been wrong. Not just incorrect but has caused negative outcomes, making the situation worse and causing the deaths of more people. Unnecessary and unavoidable deaths of real human beings – a spouse, a parent, a child, a relative, a beloved, a friend, a grandparent – all of whom would NOT have died had it not been for the genocide inflicted on this country.

As a second deathfest looms and Emperor Wannabe-Winston Johnson, Chief Manslaugther Office Shifty, the Chief Scientologist Astrologer, Death Secretary Mancock-Shipman-Mengele and Richboy Shitcrak get aroused at the thought of how many more they can kill in the name of their own hubris, ignore every putrid word that comes out of their pathetic orifices.

As we have set out previously, lockdown kills far more than it putatively saves, being directly responsible for up to 33,733 deaths. Add in the excess deaths figure and you have 59,733 deaths. Genocide indeed.