Odds on more lunacy from the totalitarian regime.

You know you are in trouble when the nation’s fate rests upon the outcome of a meeting of expert government scientists. A group of career public sector suits who have never had to run anything in their lives but instead peddle their expert predictions and speculation, along the lines of Professor Neil Ferguson’s outstanding prediction […]

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When is a death not a death?

When it’s a coronavirus one or to give it its incorrect but government-sponsored nomenclature of fear ‘the coronavirus’ (there are 23 species of coronavirus and that’s without further serotypes, so it is ‘a’ not ‘the’). Recognition to John Lee (retired professor of pathology and former NHS consultant pathologist, clue: this man knows what he is […]

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Understand viral dose and viral load. The government response has turned NHS frontline staff into viral suicide bombers.

A lot of current medical discussion revolves around viral load, which is the amount of virus within an infected person’s body.  This can determine the severity of symptoms if they develop the disease as well as their level of viral shedding, i.e. the amount of virus in their excreta (for SARS-CoV-2, their mucus).   Those with […]

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Downfall – a government awaits its fate. Your 14 days are almost up.

This strapline is a variation of ‘a nation awaits its fate’ from the film Downfall.  Even if you haven’t seen the rather excellent film, you have probably seen one of the myriad video parodies spawned by one particular scene (clue: it will include a roundabout or road in your area that gets really congested).  As […]

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And for my next trick…

Once you have started down the path of lying, in order to maintain the charade then the misdirection has to increase both in frequency and intensity, as a greater level of lie is required to justify the increasing disconnect between the truth and what you are masquerading is the truth. Have you noticed that on […]

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Words to worry and confuse you

We had the ‘war on terror’ and over a period of year most people came to understand that you cannot fight against an abstract concept or inter-subjective reality as if it were the military force of an opposing state massed on your borders. You may make a belief system ineffective and even kill its self-proclaimed […]

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These people are all still alive

In the early days of this event, it seemed that celebrities and even some politicians couldn’t stop queuing up to test positive. Got a new book or film out? – well announce on social media you’ve tested positive and you’ll be guaranteed the third slot on the evening news. Take a video selfie of your […]

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