Remdesivir – an antiviral for a specific narrow group but a wonderdrug for everyone else?

Antiviral Not Vaccine. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given full approval to remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19.  Remdesivir has been receiving coverage since the early days of the Great Insanity – often touted as a wonderdrug – and has been in use on a compassionate patient-by-patient basis since late January as […]

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Another study shows lockdown cost more lives than it ‘saved’.

Space cadet Back in late May, our analysis of the relevance and impact of lockdown deduced that; “If lockdown had not happened, we would be in a better position than we are now on all counts; mortality, socially, economically and financially. Lockdown and social distancing are causes of the problem, not remedies.” So it was […]

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‘could’ – the sleight of hand that makes extreme speculation sound like fact.

So according to Chief Manslaughter Officer Chris Shifty and his ventriloquist’s dummy sidekick the Chief Scientology Astrologer, the country could see 50,000 new COVID-19 cases a day by mid-October and could see over 200 deaths a day by mid-November. Or there could be 5,000 new COVID-19 cases a day., or there could be 489 or […]

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Why is Europe now doing even worse?

Analysing the latest figures from Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, the worldwide average for deaths per 1million population is now 10.5, which is 0.00105%. Compare this to the worldwide average death rate for seasonal or winter flu of 0.1% (source: World Health Organisation). The COVID-19 death rate is currently 95x lower than seasonal or winter […]

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United Kingdom mortality rate

The current COVID-19 mortality rate in the UK is 26 people per million population. That is 0.0026%. This figure will no doubt increase but bear in mind that the vast majority of deaths are from underlying health condition exacerbated by the presence of the disease or from upper respiratory tract infection caused by the disease. […]

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