Predictions are not science.

Weird Science. Ever since the start of the Great Insanity, the UK government has said it is ‘following the science’. Following the science fiction, the Yellow Brick Road or even the stench (of its own murderous incompetence) maybe but most certainly not following the science. The Collins English Dictionary definition of ‘science’ is this: NOUN […]

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Antivirals – lessons from the ‘flu jab’.

That Time Of Year Again. If you have read the previous two articles then you will know the main differences between a vaccine and an antiviral, and why Remdesivir is not an effective antiviral for just about anyone with COVID-19. We have highlighted that antivirals have a pretty patchy record when it comes to their […]

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Remdesivir – an antiviral for a specific narrow group but a wonderdrug for everyone else?

Antiviral Not Vaccine. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given full approval to remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19.  Remdesivir has been receiving coverage since the early days of the Great Insanity – often touted as a wonderdrug – and has been in use on a compassionate patient-by-patient basis since late January as […]

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An antiviral maybe but a vaccine isn’t needed and wouldn’t be effective.

Apparently everything now hangs on a vaccine: stockmarkets rise and fall on the mere rumour of how the rumoured development of a particular rumoured COVID-19 vaccine is going; politicians say that normality can’t be resumed until a vaccine is available; people are fed the line that a virus must have a vaccine and that without […]

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Fever is cool. It is the body’s normal response to an infection and is certainly NOT unique to SARS-CoV-2.

Core temperature Fever – or to use its medical term ‘pyrexia’ – is defined as an increase in the body’s core temperature. The body’s core temperature is 37’c, give or take, although various studies have shown that it can be anywhere in the range 36’c – 38’c and as a consequence 36.5’c – 37.5’c is […]

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Another study shows lockdown cost more lives than it ‘saved’.

Space cadet Back in late May, our analysis of the relevance and impact of lockdown deduced that; “If lockdown had not happened, we would be in a better position than we are now on all counts; mortality, socially, economically and financially. Lockdown and social distancing are causes of the problem, not remedies.” So it was […]

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Does Ibuprofen make SARS-CoV-2 better or worse? Here are two strong reasons not to take it.

Background Back in April we first wrote about a possible connection between the increasingly above-average mortality rates in European countries and their widespread use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Ibuprofen. We raised the question as to whether the cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme inhibitor function of NSAIDs either intefered with or amplified the angiotensin-converting enzyme […]

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Vitamin D, eNOS and NO – your partners in fighting SARS-CoV-2

An Achilles heel Following on from our first article last month on key reasons why the UK government strategy & response have been so wrong and caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people, this article outlines the key roles of vitamin D, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS or NOS3) and nitric oxide in […]

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