‘could’ – the sleight of hand that makes extreme speculation sound like fact.

So according to Chief Manslaughter Officer Chris Shifty and his ventriloquist’s dummy sidekick the Chief Scientology Astrologer, the country could see 50,000 new COVID-19 cases a day by mid-October and could see over 200 deaths a day by mid-November. Or there could be 5,000 new COVID-19 cases a day., or there could be 489 or […]

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Lockdown kills. Here’s why…

UK vs Average Worldwide Mortality Rate As a baseline, the average worldwide mortality rate for SARS-CoV-2 is currently 0.012% (source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center and Worldmeters @ 0500 20/09/20).  The UK mortality rate is 0.061% – that’s 5x higher than the worldwide average.  From the onset of the Great Insanity, the UK mortality rate […]

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Testing more people means cases of ‘new’ infections will rise, except they are not ‘new’.

The more tests you undertake, the higher the number of positive results you will get.  Except of course ‘positive tests’ mean very little, something we have written about previously here but find ourselves referring back to as it explains the apparent rise in cases of ‘the coronavirus’.  Nucelic acid testing, undertaken principally through RT-PCR analysis […]

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Recombination and re-recombination: how SARS-CoV-2 mixes it up.

Lots of coverage is given to talking about how ‘the coronavirus’ could mutate and spawn new and ever more deadly strains – this despite it apparently already being the most deadly virus in the history of the world ever, which you would think doesn’t really leave it any scope to get worse – as part […]

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If enough people across international boundaries fart then you can officially call it a ‘pandemic’.

The standard definition of a pandemic as applied by the World Health Organisation (the psychological warfare wing of the People’s Republic of China) is this: “An epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people.” No mention of severity or any pathogen-specific factors. A […]

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“Testing is free, quick and vital to stop the spread of coronavirus” – the latest lie from Death Secretary Mancock-Mengele.

Testing, Testing…1…2…3. The starting point remains the same: peak infection was on or around 19th March and peak deaths on 8th April. Over two-thirds of the UK population had had SARS-CoV-2 by 19th March. The virus has been and gone, moving to the southern hemisphere as alpha and beta genera coronaviruses do, being seasonal viruses. […]

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What would Florence make of it all?

So the Nightingale hospitals lie idle. The largest – constructed in London’s Excel exhibition centre – was designed to accommodate up to 4,000 patients but was mothballed after having treated just 54 SARS-CoV-2 patients. Other Nightingale facilities around the country have not treated a single SARS-CoV-2 patient. Two have sensibly been repurposed to provide cancer […]

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Another one of those times when ‘we told you so’ doesn’t quite cut it.

So the Death Secretary Had Mancock-Mengele wants an investigation into whether Public Health England (motto: ‘intimidating you like the good old Sturmabteilung‘), has been fiddling the death toll for COVID-19. We have been highlighting this issue for several months, devoting a whole article to it on 11th April as well as other articles here from […]

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The lack of sunlight. Yet another reason why lockdown has made the situation far worse.

This is something about which we have been writing for months and now with every passing day, there is an increasing body of evidence that shows lockdown was not only ineffective – and therefore unnecessary – but also that it made the situation worse.  Worse as in it was responsible for the deaths of thousands, […]

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