Don’t be afraid of the R0

R0 is the basic reproductive ratio of an infection. It predicts how many new instances of infection are caused by one existing case of infection. It is also the latest ingredient in the pandemic cookbook to be seized upon by the government and used incorrectly to try and maintain the lie, and keep everyone believing […]

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‘Ow! – that plate is hot.’ It’s all about stimulus & response.

At the biological level, stimulus and response is how the body reacts (response) to a change in its environment (stimulus).  As an example: you go to pick up a plate that you didn’t realise was hot.  Receptors detect the presence of an unexpected heat source and convert this information into nerve impulses.  Neurons transmit this […]

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Be careful as the non-existent second wave may be coming, followed by the non-existent third wave and then the fourth, just in time for tea and crumpets.

As the government’s mega-lie begins to unravel, it is forced to come up with ever more incredulous, extreme and – most importantly – scary speculation, to maintain the illusion. Infection rates are falling, both in new cases of viral infection and actual deaths (more on that in a moment). There is an increasing cohort of […]

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Could the government’s advice be any MORE wrong?

Analysing the latest figures from the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, the United Kingdom has the 7th highest death rate per 1million population globally. If you filter out territories & principalities – so look at countries only – it is the 5th highest. One can make two deductions from this ranking: Firstly, it is 11.3x […]

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Odds on more lunacy from the totalitarian regime.

You know you are in trouble when the nation’s fate rests upon the outcome of a meeting of expert government scientists. A group of career public sector suits who have never had to run anything in their lives but instead peddle their expert predictions and speculation, along the lines of Professor Neil Ferguson’s outstanding prediction […]

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When is a death not a death?

When it’s a coronavirus one or to give it its incorrect but government-sponsored nomenclature of fear ‘the coronavirus’ (there are 23 species of coronavirus and that’s without further serotypes, so it is ‘a’ not ‘the’). Recognition to John Lee (retired professor of pathology and former NHS consultant pathologist, clue: this man knows what he is […]

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Why is Europe now doing even worse?

Analysing the latest figures from Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, the worldwide average for deaths per 1million population is now 10.5, which is 0.00105%. Compare this to the worldwide average death rate for seasonal or winter flu of 0.1% (source: World Health Organisation). The COVID-19 death rate is currently 95x lower than seasonal or winter […]

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