Without the NHS, There Would Be 70,000 Fewer Deaths.

SARS-CoV-2 Continues To Weaken. Despite the propaganda, mutant killer of death and apparent overwhelmed hospitals, SARS-CoV-2 continues to attenuate, or weaken, globally. We monitor the data constantly and since August have been highlighting that both active and closed cases have been attenuating and continue to attenuate. As we illustrated at the end of August, Active […]

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Vitamin D, eNOS and NO – your partners in fighting SARS-CoV-2

An Achilles heel Following on from our first article last month on key reasons why the UK government strategy & response have been so wrong and caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people, this article outlines the key roles of vitamin D, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS or NOS3) and nitric oxide in […]

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Lockdown kills. Here’s why…

UK vs Average Worldwide Mortality Rate As a baseline, the average worldwide mortality rate for SARS-CoV-2 is currently 0.012% (source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center and Worldmeters @ 0500 20/09/20).  The UK mortality rate is 0.061% – that’s 5x higher than the worldwide average.  From the onset of the Great Insanity, the UK mortality rate […]

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