What Makes SARS-CoV-2 More Infectious.

The Role Of The RBM:ACE2 Interface. A little over a year ago, we set out how increased infectiousness meant greater vulnerability, i.e. a new variant may be more infectious but it is also more susceptible to destruction by the innate immune response. The chances are that most people now know what a structural spike protein […]

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How Each Of Us Causes Every Variant.

The Four Nucleobases. Almost exactly twelve months ago, we explained how increased transmissibility also meant greater vulnerability, i.e. a new variant may be more infectious but it is also more susceptible to detection by the immune system. This was first evidenced by our study of SARS-CoV-2-SG614, also one year ago now. Despite there being virtually […]

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Why Delta / B1.617.2 Is NOT A Problem.

Just What Is Different About Delta? B1.617.2/Delta is apparently still spreading.  This is unsurprising given that it has been occurring globally for over eight months. At least the WHO has finally applied a nomenclature to the main SARS-CoV-2 variants, adding to the existing PANGO and Nextstrain designations.  This validates something we first highlighted four months […]

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Tests That Would Have Saved Thousands.

UK COVID-19 mortality rate remains one of the highest in the world. On a population-adjusted basis (for fair comparison) the UK mortality rate is 4.36x the worldwide average, which means there have been an additional 98,364 deaths in the UK (@0500UTC 13/05/21, source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center/Worldmeters). Deaths that were avoidable. One of the […]

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The ‘Third Wave’ That Has Been Here All Along.

B1.1.7 v B1.1.28 v B1.351. As we have previously explained, SARS-CoV-2 neither thinks nor acts geographically. Yet the misleading designation of SARS-CoV-2 variants on a geographical basis continues to dominate media coverage and government obsession, with the putative ‘third wave’ being down to either the Brazilian variant or the UK variant dependent upon whether you […]

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