Exoribonuclease – Your Starter For Ten Mr Prime Minister.

Q1. How can a virus containing an exoribonuclease mutate in the way you are saying? Coronaviruses possess an exoribonuclease within nonstructural protein 14 (nsp14-ExoN). This functions as a proofreader during viral transcription and encoding, ensuring high fidelity replication. This minimises the potential for mutation, as shown by the fact that sarbecovirus/lineage B betacoronaviruses with their […]

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‘COVID-secure space’, ‘keeping you safe’…utter bollocks.

Lockdown – The Sequel: Coming To A Cinem…Oh, They Are All Closed. Is it just us or are there more people out & about now than on a normal pre-house arrest day? It seems that the majority of the UK population has completely ignored the latest death warrant issued by Emperor Wannabe-Winston Johnson and are […]

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‘could’ – the sleight of hand that makes extreme speculation sound like fact.

So according to Chief Manslaughter Officer Chris Shifty and his ventriloquist’s dummy sidekick the Chief Scientology Astrologer, the country could see 50,000 new COVID-19 cases a day by mid-October and could see over 200 deaths a day by mid-November. Or there could be 5,000 new COVID-19 cases a day., or there could be 489 or […]

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Testing more people means cases of ‘new’ infections will rise, except they are not ‘new’.

The more tests you undertake, the higher the number of positive results you will get.  Except of course ‘positive tests’ mean very little, something we have written about previously here but find ourselves referring back to as it explains the apparent rise in cases of ‘the coronavirus’.  Nucelic acid testing, undertaken principally through RT-PCR analysis […]

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“Testing is free, quick and vital to stop the spread of coronavirus” – the latest lie from Death Secretary Mancock-Mengele.

Testing, Testing…1…2…3. The starting point remains the same: peak infection was on or around 19th March and peak deaths on 8th April. Over two-thirds of the UK population had had SARS-CoV-2 by 19th March. The virus has been and gone, moving to the southern hemisphere as alpha and beta genera coronaviruses do, being seasonal viruses. […]

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Stop nucleic acid testing. Start antibody testing.

Testing for whether an individual has the virus – so-called nucleic acid or RT-PCR testing – is largely pointless. The virus may have been contracted previously – weeks or potentially months earlier – and simply be present as the individual is ‘asymptomatic’, as are many individuals who test positive. Dead virus cells as well as […]

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