Clap For Chris – The Greatest Scientist…NOT.

This Man Is Supposed To Be In Charge. Earlier this week, the Chief Medical Officer was heckled in the street by someone who disagreed with him. Perhaps not the most appropriate way to make your point – even if the point being made was absolutely correct – but if you are a true leader and […]

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How many have been killed by the government’s strategy?

Seasonal Irritants. Coronavirues are seasonal irritants, with four – alpha genus CoV-229E & CoV-NL63 and beta genus CoV-HKU1 & CoV-OC43 – causing the common cold. They are seasonal because, like many viruses such as seasonal or winter flu (the clue being in the name), they need environmental factors to sustain their virulence and therefore maintain […]

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An antiviral maybe but a vaccine isn’t needed and wouldn’t be effective.

Apparently everything now hangs on a vaccine: stockmarkets rise and fall on the mere rumour of how the rumoured development of a particular rumoured COVID-19 vaccine is going; politicians say that normality can’t be resumed until a vaccine is available; people are fed the line that a virus must have a vaccine and that without […]

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‘could’ – the sleight of hand that makes extreme speculation sound like fact.

So according to Chief Manslaughter Officer Chris Shifty and his ventriloquist’s dummy sidekick the Chief Scientology Astrologer, the country could see 50,000 new COVID-19 cases a day by mid-October and could see over 200 deaths a day by mid-November. Or there could be 5,000 new COVID-19 cases a day., or there could be 489 or […]

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If enough people across international boundaries fart then you can officially call it a ‘pandemic’.

The standard definition of a pandemic as applied by the World Health Organisation (the psychological warfare wing of the People’s Republic of China) is this: “An epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people.” No mention of severity or any pathogen-specific factors. A […]

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Be careful as the non-existent second wave may be coming, followed by the non-existent third wave and then the fourth, just in time for tea and crumpets.

As the government’s mega-lie begins to unravel, it is forced to come up with ever more incredulous, extreme and – most importantly – scary speculation, to maintain the illusion. Infection rates are falling, both in new cases of viral infection and actual deaths (more on that in a moment). There is an increasing cohort of […]

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Could the government’s advice be any MORE wrong?

Analysing the latest figures from the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, the United Kingdom has the 7th highest death rate per 1million population globally. If you filter out territories & principalities – so look at countries only – it is the 5th highest. One can make two deductions from this ranking: Firstly, it is 11.3x […]

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Odds on more lunacy from the totalitarian regime.

You know you are in trouble when the nation’s fate rests upon the outcome of a meeting of expert government scientists. A group of career public sector suits who have never had to run anything in their lives but instead peddle their expert predictions and speculation, along the lines of Professor Neil Ferguson’s outstanding prediction […]

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