Clap For Chris – The Greatest Scientist…NOT.

This Man Is Supposed To Be In Charge. Earlier this week, the Chief Medical Officer was heckled in the street by someone who disagreed with him. Perhaps not the most appropriate way to make your point – even if the point being made was absolutely correct – but if you are a true leader and […]

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Testing more people means cases of ‘new’ infections will rise, except they are not ‘new’.

The more tests you undertake, the higher the number of positive results you will get.  Except of course ‘positive tests’ mean very little, something we have written about previously here but find ourselves referring back to as it explains the apparent rise in cases of ‘the coronavirus’.  Nucelic acid testing, undertaken principally through RT-PCR analysis […]

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Another one of those times when ‘we told you so’ doesn’t quite cut it.

So the Death Secretary Had Mancock-Mengele wants an investigation into whether Public Health England (motto: ‘intimidating you like the good old Sturmabteilung‘), has been fiddling the death toll for COVID-19. We have been highlighting this issue for several months, devoting a whole article to it on 11th April as well as other articles here from […]

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