Nitric Oxide’s Role In Anti-Adhesion And Anti-Coagulation.

Background. SARS-CoV-2’s Achilles’ heel has always been vitamin D in general and nitric oxide in particular. We first explained the relevance of vitamin D in July 2020, identifying the correlation between vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 mortality rates and the key role of exposure to photosynthesis of vitamin D from exposure to UVB that occurs […]

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IgA – Faster, Stronger and More Effective.

The Star Player On Your Team. Following seroconversion, immumoglobulin A (IgA) istoype is the most frequently created antibody in the immune system. This is principally because it dominates the upper respiratory tract, which is usually the first point of contact between pathogen and human. Therefore, it is needed more frequently than the other isotypes. As […]

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