Nitric Oxide’s Role In Anti-Adhesion And Anti-Coagulation.

Background. SARS-CoV-2’s Achilles’ heel has always been vitamin D in general and nitric oxide in particular. We first explained the relevance of vitamin D in July 2020, identifying the correlation between vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 mortality rates and the key role of exposure to photosynthesis of vitamin D from exposure to UVB that occurs […]

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How Low Is The SARS-CoV-2 Mortality Rate?

We All Grew Up With Coronaviruses, As Did All Our Ancestors. To understand the relevance of mortality rate, you have to appreciate that coronaviruses first became pathogenic to humans in the range 12,000 – 10,000 years ago, as a consequence of the first interaction between humans and livestock that occurred in the early Holocene. Mankind […]

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Antiphospholipid Antibodies And COVID-19 Vaccines.

Background. As early as October 2020 – over ten months ago – we explained why a vaccine was not needed and would not be effective. That’s a vaccine using its correct medical definition, i.e. a prophylactic treatment providing long-term or lifetime protection. All of the four main treatment candidates being injected – Vaxzevria; BNT126b2; mRNA-1273 […]

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COVID-19: The Western Diet Disease.

The Poorer The Country, The Lower The Mortality Rate. This is the first pandemic in history where ‘poorer’ countries fare better, usually far better, then ‘richer’ ones. The more developed the country; industrialised the economy; advanced the healthcare system; widespread the adoption of Western lifestyle & diet, the higher the total deaths and in most […]

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Tests That Would Have Saved Thousands.

UK COVID-19 mortality rate remains one of the highest in the world. On a population-adjusted basis (for fair comparison) the UK mortality rate is 4.36x the worldwide average, which means there have been an additional 98,364 deaths in the UK (@0500UTC 13/05/21, source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center/Worldmeters). Deaths that were avoidable. One of the […]

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IgA – Faster, Stronger and More Effective.

The Star Player On Your Team. Following seroconversion, immumoglobulin A (IgA) istoype is the most frequently created antibody in the immune system. This is principally because it dominates the upper respiratory tract, which is usually the first point of contact between pathogen and human. Therefore, it is needed more frequently than the other isotypes. As […]

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The Common Cold And SARS-CoV-2 Immunity.

No Vaccine Required. Is it possible that the common cold could can provide immunity through memory T cells to a significant proportion of a population? In recent articles we have highlighted various other reasons why a vaccine is not required. This include; those not at risk (that’s over 99%) don’t need one and those at […]

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Fever is cool. It is the body’s normal response to an infection and is certainly NOT unique to SARS-CoV-2.

Core temperature Fever – or to use its medical term ‘pyrexia’ – is defined as an increase in the body’s core temperature. The body’s core temperature is 37’c, give or take, although various studies have shown that it can be anywhere in the range 36’c – 38’c and as a consequence 36.5’c – 37.5’c is […]

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