Nitric Oxide’s Role In Anti-Adhesion And Anti-Coagulation.

Background. SARS-CoV-2’s Achilles’ heel has always been vitamin D in general and nitric oxide in particular. We first explained the relevance of vitamin D in July 2020, identifying the correlation between vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 mortality rates and the key role of exposure to photosynthesis of vitamin D from exposure to UVB that occurs […]

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Cathelicidin – Another Key Benefit Of Vitamin D.

Background. It is impossible to ignore the pivotal role of vitamin D both in preventing SARS-CoV-2 viral infection (through the eNOS→nitric oxide pathway) and in reducing COVID-19 disease severity (through the cholecalciferol→ calcifediol→calcitriol pathway). As early as July 2020 we had identified the positive correlation between COVID-19 mortality rate and vitamin D deficiency. By October […]

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COVID-19: The Western Diet Disease.

The Poorer The Country, The Lower The Mortality Rate. This is the first pandemic in history where ‘poorer’ countries fare better, usually far better, then ‘richer’ ones. The more developed the country; industrialised the economy; advanced the healthcare system; widespread the adoption of Western lifestyle & diet, the higher the total deaths and in most […]

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The lack of sunlight. Yet another reason why lockdown has made the situation far worse.

This is something about which we have been writing for months and now with every passing day, there is an increasing body of evidence that shows lockdown was not only ineffective – and therefore unnecessary – but also that it made the situation worse.  Worse as in it was responsible for the deaths of thousands, […]

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