PCR Testing Is Picking Up The Common Cold.

Mutation = Phylogenetic Evolution. Not content with inventing the most recent ‘killer mutation of death’, there are now apparently even more new strains of the ‘killer virus of death’ (the one that continues to not kill people, especially those it infects). There is now even one supposedly from South Africa (“this is an illegal mutating, […]

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Having A Common Cold Is As Good As A Vaccine.

Learn From The Common Cold. Pretty much everybody now knows that four coronaviruses cause the common cold: duvinacovirus alphacoronavirus HCoV-229E & setracovirus alphacoronavirus HCoV-NL63 and embecovirus or lineage A betacoronaviruses HCoV-HKU1 and HCoV-OC43. That’s the common cold that you can catch over & over and which is dealt with by the innate immune system only, […]

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