Peak Deaths Was One Year Ago.

Peak Infections And Peak Deaths. COVID-19 deaths peaked in the UK on 8th April 2020, one year ago today. This followed peak infections on 19th March 2020, a little under three weeks previous, in line with SARS-CoV-2’s infection cycle of two weeks. Week one occurs in the upper respiratory tract and includes exposure, cellular fusion […]

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‘COVID-secure space’, ‘keeping you safe’…utter bollocks.

Lockdown – The Sequel: Coming To A Cinem…Oh, They Are All Closed. Is it just us or are there more people out & about now than on a normal pre-house arrest day? It seems that the majority of the UK population has completely ignored the latest death warrant issued by Emperor Wannabe-Winston Johnson and are […]

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How many have been killed by the government’s strategy?

Seasonal Irritants. Coronavirues are seasonal irritants, with four – alpha genus CoV-229E & CoV-NL63 and beta genus CoV-HKU1 & CoV-OC43 – causing the common cold. They are seasonal because, like many viruses such as seasonal or winter flu (the clue being in the name), they need environmental factors to sustain their virulence and therefore maintain […]

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