An antiviral maybe but a vaccine isn’t needed and wouldn’t be effective.

Apparently everything now hangs on a vaccine: stockmarkets rise and fall on the mere rumour of how the rumoured development of a particular rumoured COVID-19 vaccine is going; politicians say that normality can’t be resumed until a vaccine is available; people are fed the line that a virus must have a vaccine and that without […]

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Vitamin D, eNOS and NO – your partners in fighting SARS-CoV-2

An Achilles heel Following on from our first article last month on key reasons why the UK government strategy & response have been so wrong and caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people, this article outlines the key roles of vitamin D, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS or NOS3) and nitric oxide in […]

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Recombination and re-recombination: how SARS-CoV-2 mixes it up.

Lots of coverage is given to talking about how ‘the coronavirus’ could mutate and spawn new and ever more deadly strains – this despite it apparently already being the most deadly virus in the history of the world ever, which you would think doesn’t really leave it any scope to get worse – as part […]

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