Another one of those times when ‘we told you so’ doesn’t quite cut it.

So the Death Secretary Had Mancock-Mengele wants an investigation into whether Public Health England (motto: ‘intimidating you like the good old Sturmabteilung‘), has been fiddling the death toll for COVID-19. We have been highlighting this issue for several months, devoting a whole article to it on 11th April as well as other articles here from […]

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When is a death not a death?

When it’s a coronavirus one or to give it its incorrect but government-sponsored nomenclature of fear ‘the coronavirus’ (there are 23 species of coronavirus and that’s without further serotypes, so it is ‘a’ not ‘the’). Recognition to John Lee (retired professor of pathology and former NHS consultant pathologist, clue: this man knows what he is […]

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