The ‘Third Wave’ That Has Been Here All Along.

B1.1.7 v B1.1.28 v B1.351. As we have previously explained, SARS-CoV-2 neither thinks nor acts geographically. Yet the misleading designation of SARS-CoV-2 variants on a geographical basis continues to dominate media coverage and government obsession, with the putative ‘third wave’ being down to either the Brazilian variant or the UK variant dependent upon whether you […]

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Antibody-Dependent Enhancement And This Rushed ‘Vaccine’.

What is Antibody-Dependent Enhancement? As we have set out previously, it takes 10-15 years to develop a vaccine. This timescale is entirely understandable and justifiable when you consider that the vaccine has to be both effective and safe. Safe includes not causing unacceptable side effects, which include the vaccine or immune system’s response triggering autoimmunity, […]

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Exoribonuclease – Your Starter For Ten Mr Prime Minister.

Q1. How can a virus containing an exoribonuclease mutate in the way you are saying? Coronaviruses possess an exoribonuclease within nonstructural protein 14 (nsp14-ExoN). This functions as a proofreader during viral transcription and encoding, ensuring high fidelity replication. This minimises the potential for mutation, as shown by the fact that sarbecovirus/lineage B betacoronaviruses with their […]

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These Are Not The Drugs You Are Looking For.

Don’t Use Remdesivir. Just one month after the US Food and Drug Administration approved remdesivir as an antiviral for the treatment of patients with COVID-19, the WHO yesterday recommended that it not be used, on the basis that it is ineffective and there is “no evidence” it reduces mortality. Last month, we analysed remdesivir’s use […]

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