Why Government Advice Makes It So Much Worse.

Over nine months into this insanity, it is clear that government advice hasn’t worked. Following government advice doesn’t work. Not only is government advice ineffective but also it causes negative outcomes. Following government advice makes the situation worse and makes you far more likely to become seriously ill and – if you allow yourself to […]

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Vitamin D, eNOS and NO – your partners in fighting SARS-CoV-2

An Achilles heel Following on from our first article last month on key reasons why the UK government strategy & response have been so wrong and caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people, this article outlines the key roles of vitamin D, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS or NOS3) and nitric oxide in […]

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Lockdown kills. Here’s why…

UK vs Average Worldwide Mortality Rate As a baseline, the average worldwide mortality rate for SARS-CoV-2 is currently 0.012% (source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center and Worldmeters @ 0500 20/09/20).  The UK mortality rate is 0.061% – that’s 5x higher than the worldwide average.  From the onset of the Great Insanity, the UK mortality rate […]

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The lack of sunlight. Yet another reason why lockdown has made the situation far worse.

This is something about which we have been writing for months and now with every passing day, there is an increasing body of evidence that shows lockdown was not only ineffective – and therefore unnecessary – but also that it made the situation worse.  Worse as in it was responsible for the deaths of thousands, […]

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