These Are Not The Drugs You Are Looking For.

Don’t Use Remdesivir. Just one month after the US Food and Drug Administration approved remdesivir as an antiviral for the treatment of patients with COVID-19, the WHO yesterday recommended that it not be used, on the basis that it is ineffective and there is “no evidence” it reduces mortality. Last month, we analysed remdesivir’s use […]

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What would Florence make of it all?

So the Nightingale hospitals lie idle. The largest – constructed in London’s Excel exhibition centre – was designed to accommodate up to 4,000 patients but was mothballed after having treated just 54 SARS-CoV-2 patients. Other Nightingale facilities around the country have not treated a single SARS-CoV-2 patient. Two have sensibly been repurposed to provide cancer […]

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