Remember The Deaths Caused By The Government Response.

On the second anniversary of the onset of the Great Insanity, let us remember the deaths caused by the UK government response. When we first came together two years ago, none of us ever believed we would still be doing this six months on, let alone two years. Peak deaths in the UK was on […]

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Yet Another Virus That Provides SARS-CoV-2 Immunity.

Background. It is difficult to select the most fundamental error relating to SARS-CoV-2: the deliberate confusion of ‘infectiousness’ with ‘infectivity’; the deliberate use of ‘COVID-19’ disease severity when one is referring to ‘SARS-CoV-2’ viral infection, for example ‘rising COVID-19 infections’ when there is no such thing; the use of ‘vaccination’ when the correct description is […]

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How Low Is The SARS-CoV-2 Mortality Rate?

We All Grew Up With Coronaviruses, As Did All Our Ancestors. To understand the relevance of mortality rate, you have to appreciate that coronaviruses first became pathogenic to humans in the range 12,000 – 10,000 years ago, as a consequence of the first interaction between humans and livestock that occurred in the early Holocene. Mankind […]

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Is Ivermectin Another ‘Wonderdrug’?

Is This Remdesivirmania Redux? Ivermectin is the subject of increasing coverage and concomitant hysteria around it being another ‘wonderdrug’ for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2. It has been touted as a potential treatment since the days of remdesivir, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir. We picked apart remdesivir in October 2020, days after it was approved by the […]

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Peak Deaths Was One Year Ago.

Peak Infections And Peak Deaths. COVID-19 deaths peaked in the UK on 8th April 2020, one year ago today. This followed peak infections on 19th March 2020, a little under three weeks previous, in line with SARS-CoV-2’s infection cycle of two weeks. Week one occurs in the upper respiratory tract and includes exposure, cellular fusion […]

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Rhinoviruses Increase SARS-CoV-2 Immunity.

Persistent Antigen Exposure. We first highlighted persistent antigen exposure back in November 2020, when our research showed that individuals who had not previously had SARS-CoV-2 possessed memory T cells that recognised it, with this recognition likely coming from previous exposure to other common cold-causing coronaviruses. Public Health England that commissioned the report stated (with our […]

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N501Y Is More Infectious But NOT More Dangerous.

Infectiousness Or Infectivity. If the government is to be believed, the new killer mutant of death (no, not vaccines minister Zoonotic Gaddafi, the other killer mutant of death known as N501Y) is even more infectious and even more transmissible. Except the government likes to confuse viral infectiousness with disease severity. They are very different. Also, […]

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