Peak Deaths Was One Year Ago.

Peak Infections And Peak Deaths. COVID-19 deaths peaked in the UK on 8th April 2020, one year ago today. This followed peak infections on 19th March 2020, a little under three weeks previous, in line with SARS-CoV-2’s infection cycle of two weeks. Week one occurs in the upper respiratory tract and includes exposure, cellular fusion […]

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Having A Common Cold Is As Good As A Vaccine.

Learn From The Common Cold. Pretty much everybody now knows that four coronaviruses cause the common cold: duvinacovirus alphacoronavirus HCoV-229E & setracovirus alphacoronavirus HCoV-NL63 and embecovirus or lineage A betacoronaviruses HCoV-HKU1 and HCoV-OC43. That’s the common cold that you can catch over & over and which is dealt with by the innate immune system only, […]

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These Are Not The Drugs You Are Looking For.

Don’t Use Remdesivir. Just one month after the US Food and Drug Administration approved remdesivir as an antiviral for the treatment of patients with COVID-19, the WHO yesterday recommended that it not be used, on the basis that it is ineffective and there is “no evidence” it reduces mortality. Last month, we analysed remdesivir’s use […]

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‘COVID-secure space’, ‘keeping you safe’…utter bollocks.

Lockdown – The Sequel: Coming To A Cinem…Oh, They Are All Closed. Is it just us or are there more people out & about now than on a normal pre-house arrest day? It seems that the majority of the UK population has completely ignored the latest death warrant issued by Emperor Wannabe-Winston Johnson and are […]

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Monetising A Vaccine Shows What It’s Really All About.

LOADSAMONEY! According to the sales pitch on Thursday from investment banks Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley, a COVID-19 vaccine could be a “bumper revenue opportunity“, projected to earn at least $10 billion a year. Morgan Stanley’s projection is at least $10 billion a year across developed countries but Credit Suisse is bigging it up further […]

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Recombination and re-recombination: how SARS-CoV-2 mixes it up.

Lots of coverage is given to talking about how ‘the coronavirus’ could mutate and spawn new and ever more deadly strains – this despite it apparently already being the most deadly virus in the history of the world ever, which you would think doesn’t really leave it any scope to get worse – as part […]

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“Testing is free, quick and vital to stop the spread of coronavirus” – the latest lie from Death Secretary Mancock-Mengele.

Testing, Testing…1…2…3. The starting point remains the same: peak infection was on or around 19th March and peak deaths on 8th April. Over two-thirds of the UK population had had SARS-CoV-2 by 19th March. The virus has been and gone, moving to the southern hemisphere as alpha and beta genera coronaviruses do, being seasonal viruses. […]

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