Rhinoviruses Increase SARS-CoV-2 Immunity.

Persistent Antigen Exposure. We first highlighted persistent antigen exposure back in November 2020, when our research showed that individuals who had not previously had SARS-CoV-2 possessed memory T cells that recognised it, with this recognition likely coming from previous exposure to other common cold-causing coronaviruses. Public Health England that commissioned the report stated (with our […]

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Why Government Advice Makes It So Much Worse.

Over nine months into this insanity, it is clear that government advice hasn’t worked. Following government advice doesn’t work. Not only is government advice ineffective but also it causes negative outcomes. Following government advice makes the situation worse and makes you far more likely to become seriously ill and – if you allow yourself to […]

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Déjà vu – memory T cells have seen SARS-CoV-2 before.

Newly-Discovered Is Not New. In early September we first highlighted the incorrect designation of SARS-CoV-2 as a ‘novel’ or ‘new’ coronavirus when it should have been designated ‘newly-discovered’. There is a subtle but fundamental difference: something that is new did not previously exist whereas something that is newly-discovered already existed but not been discovered yet. […]

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These Are Not The Drugs You Are Looking For.

Don’t Use Remdesivir. Just one month after the US Food and Drug Administration approved remdesivir as an antiviral for the treatment of patients with COVID-19, the WHO yesterday recommended that it not be used, on the basis that it is ineffective and there is “no evidence” it reduces mortality. Last month, we analysed remdesivir’s use […]

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Monetising A Vaccine Shows What It’s Really All About.

LOADSAMONEY! According to the sales pitch on Thursday from investment banks Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley, a COVID-19 vaccine could be a “bumper revenue opportunity“, projected to earn at least $10 billion a year. Morgan Stanley’s projection is at least $10 billion a year across developed countries but Credit Suisse is bigging it up further […]

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How many have been killed by the government’s strategy?

Seasonal Irritants. Coronavirues are seasonal irritants, with four – alpha genus CoV-229E & CoV-NL63 and beta genus CoV-HKU1 & CoV-OC43 – causing the common cold. They are seasonal because, like many viruses such as seasonal or winter flu (the clue being in the name), they need environmental factors to sustain their virulence and therefore maintain […]

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Remdesivir – an antiviral for a specific narrow group but a wonderdrug for everyone else?

Antiviral Not Vaccine. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given full approval to remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19.  Remdesivir has been receiving coverage since the early days of the Great Insanity – often touted as a wonderdrug – and has been in use on a compassionate patient-by-patient basis since late January as […]

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Vitamin D, eNOS and NO – your partners in fighting SARS-CoV-2

An Achilles heel Following on from our first article last month on key reasons why the UK government strategy & response have been so wrong and caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people, this article outlines the key roles of vitamin D, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS or NOS3) and nitric oxide in […]

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Testing more people means cases of ‘new’ infections will rise, except they are not ‘new’.

The more tests you undertake, the higher the number of positive results you will get.  Except of course ‘positive tests’ mean very little, something we have written about previously here but find ourselves referring back to as it explains the apparent rise in cases of ‘the coronavirus’.  Nucelic acid testing, undertaken principally through RT-PCR analysis […]

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