Recombination and re-recombination: how SARS-CoV-2 mixes it up.

Lots of coverage is given to talking about how ‘the coronavirus’ could mutate and spawn new and ever more deadly strains – this despite it apparently already being the most deadly virus in the history of the world ever, which you would think doesn’t really leave it any scope to get worse – as part […]

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If enough people across international boundaries fart then you can officially call it a ‘pandemic’.

The standard definition of a pandemic as applied by the World Health Organisation (the psychological warfare wing of the People’s Republic of China) is this: “An epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people.” No mention of severity or any pathogen-specific factors. A […]

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“Testing is free, quick and vital to stop the spread of coronavirus” – the latest lie from Death Secretary Mancock-Mengele.

Testing, Testing…1…2…3. The starting point remains the same: peak infection was on or around 19th March and peak deaths on 8th April. Over two-thirds of the UK population had had SARS-CoV-2 by 19th March. The virus has been and gone, moving to the southern hemisphere as alpha and beta genera coronaviruses do, being seasonal viruses. […]

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What would Florence make of it all?

So the Nightingale hospitals lie idle. The largest – constructed in London’s Excel exhibition centre – was designed to accommodate up to 4,000 patients but was mothballed after having treated just 54 SARS-CoV-2 patients. Other Nightingale facilities around the country have not treated a single SARS-CoV-2 patient. Two have sensibly been repurposed to provide cancer […]

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‘Ow! – that plate is hot.’ It’s all about stimulus & response.

At the biological level, stimulus and response is how the body reacts (response) to a change in its environment (stimulus).  As an example: you go to pick up a plate that you didn’t realise was hot.  Receptors detect the presence of an unexpected heat source and convert this information into nerve impulses.  Neurons transmit this […]

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Be careful as the non-existent second wave may be coming, followed by the non-existent third wave and then the fourth, just in time for tea and crumpets.

As the government’s mega-lie begins to unravel, it is forced to come up with ever more incredulous, extreme and – most importantly – scary speculation, to maintain the illusion. Infection rates are falling, both in new cases of viral infection and actual deaths (more on that in a moment). There is an increasing cohort of […]

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Odds on more lunacy from the totalitarian regime.

You know you are in trouble when the nation’s fate rests upon the outcome of a meeting of expert government scientists. A group of career public sector suits who have never had to run anything in their lives but instead peddle their expert predictions and speculation, along the lines of Professor Neil Ferguson’s outstanding prediction […]

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When is a death not a death?

When it’s a coronavirus one or to give it its incorrect but government-sponsored nomenclature of fear ‘the coronavirus’ (there are 23 species of coronavirus and that’s without further serotypes, so it is ‘a’ not ‘the’). Recognition to John Lee (retired professor of pathology and former NHS consultant pathologist, clue: this man knows what he is […]

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