Cathelicidin – Another Key Benefit Of Vitamin D.

Background. It is impossible to ignore the pivotal role of vitamin D both in preventing SARS-CoV-2 viral infection (through the eNOS→nitric oxide pathway) and in reducing COVID-19 disease severity (through the cholecalciferol→ calcifediol→calcitriol pathway). As early as July 2020 we had identified the positive correlation between COVID-19 mortality rate and vitamin D deficiency. By October […]

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Why Delta / B1.617.2 Is NOT A Problem.

Just What Is Different About Delta? B1.617.2/Delta is apparently still spreading.  This is unsurprising given that it has been occurring globally for over eight months. At least the WHO has finally applied a nomenclature to the main SARS-CoV-2 variants, adding to the existing PANGO and Nextstrain designations.  This validates something we first highlighted four months […]

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IgA – Faster, Stronger and More Effective.

The Star Player On Your Team. Following seroconversion, immumoglobulin A (IgA) istoype is the most frequently created antibody in the immune system. This is principally because it dominates the upper respiratory tract, which is usually the first point of contact between pathogen and human. Therefore, it is needed more frequently than the other isotypes. As […]

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