Is Ivermectin Another ‘Wonderdrug’?

Is This Remdesivirmania Redux? Ivermectin is the subject of increasing coverage and concomitant hysteria around it being another ‘wonderdrug’ for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2. It has been touted as a potential treatment since the days of remdesivir, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir. We picked apart remdesivir in October 2020, days after it was approved by the […]

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Peak Deaths Was One Year Ago.

Peak Infections And Peak Deaths. COVID-19 deaths peaked in the UK on 8th April 2020, one year ago today. This followed peak infections on 19th March 2020, a little under three weeks previous, in line with SARS-CoV-2’s infection cycle of two weeks. Week one occurs in the upper respiratory tract and includes exposure, cellular fusion […]

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Rhinoviruses Increase SARS-CoV-2 Immunity.

Persistent Antigen Exposure. We first highlighted persistent antigen exposure back in November 2020, when our research showed that individuals who had not previously had SARS-CoV-2 possessed memory T cells that recognised it, with this recognition likely coming from previous exposure to other common cold-causing coronaviruses. Public Health England that commissioned the report stated (with our […]

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N501Y Is More Infectious But NOT More Dangerous.

Infectiousness Or Infectivity. If the government is to be believed, the new killer mutant of death (no, not vaccines minister Zoonotic Gaddafi, the other killer mutant of death known as N501Y) is even more infectious and even more transmissible. Except the government likes to confuse viral infectiousness with disease severity. They are very different. Also, […]

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Why Government Advice Makes It So Much Worse.

Over nine months into this insanity, it is clear that government advice hasn’t worked. Following government advice doesn’t work. Not only is government advice ineffective but also it causes negative outcomes. Following government advice makes the situation worse and makes you far more likely to become seriously ill and – if you allow yourself to […]

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Droplet Spread is NOT Airborne Spread.

The Difference Between Droplet And Airborne Spread. The latest propaganda from the genocidal axis of evil is now telling everyone to open their windows to help ‘stop the spread’ of the killer virus of death (that continues to not kill people, especially those it infects). As with every single piece of propaganda issued by the […]

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Déjà vu – memory T cells have seen SARS-CoV-2 before.

Newly-Discovered Is Not New. In early September we first highlighted the incorrect designation of SARS-CoV-2 as a ‘novel’ or ‘new’ coronavirus when it should have been designated ‘newly-discovered’. There is a subtle but fundamental difference: something that is new did not previously exist whereas something that is newly-discovered already existed but not been discovered yet. […]

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‘COVID-secure space’, ‘keeping you safe’…utter bollocks.

Lockdown – The Sequel: Coming To A Cinem…Oh, They Are All Closed. Is it just us or are there more people out & about now than on a normal pre-house arrest day? It seems that the majority of the UK population has completely ignored the latest death warrant issued by Emperor Wannabe-Winston Johnson and are […]

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